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Diagnosis and treatment.
Have you recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer? This video is for you! When it comes to cancer, it pays to know the facts. Let’s take a closer look.


I am a caregiver

A natural caregiver can be a partner, child, friend, or other family member who supports someone with a chronic illness. A caregiver supports the patient on both an emotional and practical level. A natural caregiver is a member of the healthcare team. This role usually involves several new responsibilities and can be very rewarding, but at the same time, very demanding. It is normal to feel a mixture of emotions such as joy, fear, anxiety, frustration, and sadness. It is also possible that you will need to change your lifestyle to suit your new role.

What a caregiver can do

Each patient experiences the disease differently. The course of the disease may also differ from patient to patient. This is why the caregiver will need to adapt to the needs of the patient.

As a natural caregiver, you can:

  • Talk to loved ones
  • Listen
  • Take care of the housekeeping
  • Prepare meals
  • Arrange medical appointments
  • Provide transportation
  • Talk to the medical team
  • Keep family and relatives informed
  • Financial planning
  • Provide emotional support

What you may feel and what may help you

cancer prostate aidant naturel

It is quite normal to experience both positive and negative emotions. For negative emotions, it is common to feel anxious, frustrated, sad, guilty, and helpless. It is also normal to cry. Crying helps relieve tension, so do not stop yourself. Each person has their own emotional reaction to the new challenges that you’re facing. You need to develop your own coping mechanisms.

  • Practice relaxing, with deep breathing techniques or meditation.
  • Stay active
  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle – good nutrition, adequate rest time
  • Share your emotions
  • Take time for yourself and do activities you enjoy
  • Keep a journal to write what you feel
  • Seek help from others
  • Appreciate all the precious moments that life brings you

What you can do to help your loved one

Form a support network

As soon as the diagnosis of prostate cancer is announced, it is important to form a support network for the patient. This network should include people who can provide emotional and practical help when needed.

  • Recruit from amongst your close friends and close relatives, i.e. people that you trust.
  • To not overwhelm the patient with your fears and worries, you must develop your own support network.
  • Have someone you can confide in and count on at all times. Do not isolate yourself.

Find out more about prostate cancer

Find out as much as you can about prostate cancer. This will allow you to feel more in control of the situation, to talk more easily with healthcare professionals, and to help your loved one make more informed decisions about his cancer. It is important that your research comes from reliable and valid sources.

The importance of communication

Maintaining good communication is essential. Pay attention to your tone of voice it can tell people a lot about your mood. Do not forget that communication is largely related to body language.

  • Look at the person you’re talking to, nod and tell them you’re listening and ask questions when things are not clear.
  • Talk about how you feel. This will allow you to get some of the emotional support you both need. This can also help to solve some problems related to the new diagnosis. Sometimes there is no right or wrong answer; just listening can help a lot.

Be understanding and patient

People who have never experienced a major crisis like cancer, find it difficult to understand what the patient is experiencing at first. As for family members and friends, they must find a way to understand and cope with the emotional reactions brought on by such news. Now is the time to be patient.

  • Be tolerant and accepting of mood changes, ups and downs, and fear and anger; in short, all the reactions that the patient may have. With time, his reactions will become less strong and he will be more willing to express what he feels.
  • Until he adapts—and this takes time—avoid confrontations and do not push him to make drastic decisions about his treatment choices or about changing his role within the family.

Provide comfort and emotional support

As a natural caregiver, you will be one of his primary sources of comfort and emotional support. You can have a positive impact if you:

  • Respect his autonomy and need to be alone at times, tell him you can help him if he needs it.
  • Involve him as much as possible in his care or other daily tasks.
  • Help him make a list of activities they prefer and accompany them to do them.
  • Discuss and listen without judging.

Participate in the treatment

You can offer to accompany your loved one to his doctor’s appointments for tests or for treatment. If he seems open to the idea of your being there, you can:

  • Help by taking notes and asking questions during appointments.
  • Prepare a file with all medical information, including a list of medications.

You can also get more information from health care professionals about the treatment options and possible side effects for each treatment. It is important to know that, in general, men are less likely to talk about their health problems and their fears.

Take care of yourself

Being a natural caregiver can be very demanding both physically and emotionally. If you take care of yourself, you will be able to take care of your loved one more effectively.

  • Allow time for you. It is essential to for a healthy lifestyle.
  • If you feel overwhelmed emotionally, try talking to your friends, another family member or a health care professional.
  • You can also try meditation and yoga to help you relax. It is important to recognize your own limitations and to understand that you cannot do everything. Other family members, friends, or community resources can also help.
  • It can also be helpful to share our experience with people who are experiencing the same thing. Ask the healthcare team if a support group for caregivers is available in your area.

Work and Money

Your role as a caregiver may be detrimental to your job given the possible absences related to your role as a caregiver. You can meet with your boss and discuss the situation with him. Reducing the number of hours worked, changing your tasks, or working from home can be solutions depending on your situation.

By being a caregiver, you may be eligible for various forms of assistance offered by the Government of Canada. Ask about your situation. Check out our resource page here. And do not forget that we are always here for you.


I am an employer

cancer prostate et employeur

When an employee suffers from cancer, their boss plays a key role. Both the employer and employee can benefit from identifying the needs of the sick employee and effectively managing work‑related challenges. As an employer, you have an important role to play. 

The truth is that understanding the disease combined with one of your employees announcing that they have cancer can be as destabilizing for you as it is for your employee. In fact, your employee is probably mortified by the idea of telling you, not to mention, he is probably still reeling from the news he was just hit with. Imagine his state of mind. Imagine the whole range of emotions, worries, and concerns running through their head and in the heads of their partner, family… and, not to mention you. It’s a tough blow.

To help you, here’s what you need to know when one of your employees makes the announcement. Know that you are not alone. We are here for you at 1 855 899-2873.


Let your employee choose the meeting time. If you feel like he lacks the courage to come talk to you, take the initiative.

  • Pay attention and let the employee know that you will not necessarily have the answer or solution to everything. Allow time for reflection if necessary.
  • Ask questions and watch your employee’s reaction. If he is uncomfortable answering, do not insist.
  • Let them know you are at their disposal.
  • If your employee is taking sick leave, see whether or not he wishes to be informed about work.
  • Never mention an employee’s state of heath without permission.

If the employee with cancer wishes to speak openly about his situation with the team, discuss it with the team to figure out the best time.

Your Support

Be flexible with your employee. Let him change his work hours if necessary. He may have medical appointments or may need to reduce his work hours.

  • If the employee wishes to continue working during his treatment, try to adjust his workload as needed.
  • Many patients would like to benefit from time off for medical reasons (therapeutic part‑time work). See if you can offer your employee this opportunity when he returns.

Managing emotions

Hearing that someone has cancer has an emotional impact, not only on the person affected, but also on their co‑workers and employer. In this situation it is necessary to be patient and understanding. Beware of negative behaviours from the team.

  • Ensure that relationships are as normal and balanced as possible and encourage good communication between the sick employee and his colleagues.
  • Show interest in your employee’s concerns.

Understanding the importance of work

For various reasons, it is important for most people with cancer to be able to continue working.

  • Work may represent a type of “normal” routine for them
  • Work may give them a sense of “control”
  • For financial reasons, the employee cannot afford to lose his job.

Work atmosphere

An employee with cancer may also affect other employees. The latter may be upset and not know how to react. Employees may also feel pressure because the absences of a sick colleague may lead to an increase in their workload.

  • Discuss the situation with your team and ask your employees if they are able to handle the extra work in the absence of their sick co‑worker.
  • In this special situation, do you have the ability to reduce the team’s workload? To ask the question is to answer it.

Care trajectory and work reintegration

cancer prostate aidant naturel

Have you never had to deal with an employee with cancer? We have provided you with a guide of your responsibilities as an employer—from understanding the concerns of your employees to the roles of your executives, managers, or human resources department. And remember, you are not alone. We are here for you at 1 855 899-2873.

Cancer is different for everyone

  • Some needs, such as empathy, are very common in patients.
  • The need for communication with the company can vary greatly from one person to the next.
  • Do not forget that each person, supervisor or co‑worker, reacts differently to illness.
  • Often, behind a patient there is a caregiver. Do not forget this!

Concerns of your employees and their loved ones

  • Financial situation (difficulties)
  • Physical and psychological consequences
  • Return to and retention in the labour market
  • Ongoing functional limitations
  • Permanent disability for an undetermined period

We have identified three stages to guide you

Stage 1 – Diagnosis, the announcement of cancer, and your role

“When I told people about my cancer, I was afraid of how they would react and I felt guilty for dropping the workload on my colleagues. I need to be reassured, supported, and heard.”

Supervisor and co‑workers

  • Take the time to think about the situation
  • Seek advice from HR if necessary
  • Empathy = support and listening
  • Respecting his wishes and privacy: what can be said, to whom, and how

Supervisor and HR

  • Reassure the employee of their place in the company
  • Adopt a common strategy to manage the situation with HR to avoid confusion

PROCURE support

  • Check out PROCURE and call 1 855 899-2873
  • Book a confidential meeting with one of our in‑house nurses specializing in uro‑oncology

Stage 2 – Cancer treatments and your role

“While I am away I still need to be reassured. I appreciate getting news and the fact that I am still considered to be an employee. Being able to continue working helps me maintain a professional identity and social ties.”

HR, supervisor, and co‑workers

  • Getting news in a coordinated manner
  • Maintaining the link between employee and company
  • Relieving some of his workload by sharing some of the work with his colleagues or with his replacement
  • Maintaining clear communication about the situation (work is not an obligation)

If the employee chooses to work, strike a balance between an empathetic and normal attitude. Having some flexibility in dealing with unforeseen issues and meeting for periodic assessments could help.

Stage 3 – Professional reintegration

“When I get back, I need to see that my company has prepared for my gradual return. I would appreciate a welcome‑back meeting on my first day. It is also important to me that people understand that some symptoms like fatigue and anxiety can persist long after treatment is complete.”

HR and supervisor

  • Allow for a gradual return to work.
  • Organize a welcome‑back meeting—show that you are interested in their well‑being.
  • Keep in mind that the employee could be prone to fatigue and possible anxiety for a while.
  • Offer a flexible work schedule if possible.
  • Talk to the person if you notice that he is overcome with fear, both physically and mentally, of being discriminated against and/or of losing his job.
  • Schedule meetings for periodic assessments.
  • Be as understanding as possible of changes in attitude towards work and show flexibility
  • Emphasize the balance between empathetic and normal attitudes.

Even if the treatment is over, there may be other issues that need to be addressed such as adapting to long‑term side effects, marital life, and long‑term plans. The family doctor, health professionals, you, and your employer, play a key role in the care of patients and their reintegration into the workplace.

Our corporate program can bring you the same support as our health professionals.

Last medical and editorial review: September 2023
Written by PROCURE. © All rights reserved

What matters

What matters

The diagnosis, treatment, or progression of a disease, such as prostate cancer, in a loved one always requires adjustment for both the person receiving care and the caregiver. If you are a caregiver, this page will help you understand the journey ahead and how to equip yourself well to avoid burnout.

An important, yet demanding role

A natural caregiver, whether it’s a partner, child, friend, or another family member, provides emotional and practical support to someone with a chronic illness. This role, which is part of the care team, comes with new responsibilities, often rewarding but demanding. Natural caregivers may experience various emotions such as joy, fear, anxiety, frustration, and sadness, and may also adjust their lifestyle accordingly.

Each patient experiences the illness differently. The progression of the disease may also vary from one patient to another. Therefore, the natural caregiver must adapt to the patient’s needs.


As a caregiver, you may be required to:

  • Listen and discuss with your partner without judgment
  • Coordinate medical appointments
  • Provide transportation
  • Discuss with the medical team
  • Keep the family and loved ones informed
  • Plan finances
  • Provide emotional support

What you may feel and what can help

Examples of coping mechanisms

It is completely normal to experience both positive and negative emotions. For negative emotions, it is common to feel anxious, frustrated, sad, guilty, and powerless. Also, it is normal to cry. Crying helps relieve tension, so don’t prevent yourself from doing so. Each person has their own emotional reaction to these new challenges you are facing. Some coping mechanisms may include:

  • Practicing relaxation, with deep breathing or meditation techniques
  • Staying active daily
  • Adopting a healthy lifestyle – good nutrition, sufficient rest
  • Sharing your emotions with a trusted person
  • Taking time for yourself and engaging in activities you enjoy
  • Keeping a journal to write down your feelings
  • Asking for help from your support network
  • Appreciating all the precious moments that life brings you.

Forming a support network

Upon the diagnosis of prostate cancer, it is important to form a support network for the patient. This network should include people who can provide you, if needed, with emotional and practical support.

  • Recruit them from your close friends and immediate family members, people you have established a trusting relationship with.
  • Additionally, to avoid overwhelming the patient with your fears and anxieties, you must develop your own support network.
  • Have someone to confide in and rely on at all times. Don’t isolate yourself.

Learning about prostate cancer

Inform yourself about prostate cancer as much as possible. This will help you feel more in control of the situation, facilitate discussions with healthcare professionals, and thus, assist your loved one in making more informed decisions regarding their cancer. It is important that your information search is done from reliable and valid sources.

Relying on communication

Maintaining good communication is essential. Look into the eyes of the person you are speaking to, nod to indicate that you are listening, and ask questions when things are not clear. Talk about how you feel. This will help you both get some of the emotional support you need. It can also help resolve some issues related to the new diagnosis. Sometimes, there is no right or wrong answer; only listening can greatly help.

Providing emotional support

As a caregiver, you will be one of their main sources of comfort and emotional support. You can have a positive impact by respecting their autonomy and need to be alone sometimes while letting them know you are there when needed. You can offer to accompany your loved one to doctor’s appointments, tests, or treatment. If they seem receptive to the idea of your presence, you can:

  • help by taking notes and asking questions during appointments;
  • prepare a folder with all their medical information, including a list of medications.

You can also gather information from healthcare professionals about treatment options and potential side effects for each treatment. It is important to know that, in general, men are less likely to talk about their health problems and fears.

That being said, discussing your concerns, frustrations, or need for support with your partner is equally important. This will help maintain a healthy relationship throughout this journey. Seeking advice, alone or with your partner, can help you if you are overwhelmed or need to talk to someone else.

Seek help, do not stay alone

Asking for help is a learned skill. As a caregiver, you give selflessly and help your loved one to improve their quality of life. Accepting help is showing empathy towards yourself, it’s preserving your balance. It requires reconnecting with yourself and listening to your needs. It also means recognizing and accepting your limits. This can be quite challenging when you are fully focused on your loved one. Don’t wait to ask for help. From the beginning of the journey, it’s important to know what resources are available to you. Even if you don’t need it immediately, knowing that help is available will reassure you.


Try not to feel guilty

As a caregiver, it’s normal to feel guilty at times. This feeling usually arises when there’s a mismatch between our values and our behaviors. It can occur due to an action, a word, or even the omission of an action. This feeling alerts us and indicates that we need to find a balance between our needs and our obligations. To transform your sense of guilt, you need to change your perspective on the situation. For example, you can say no, take time for yourself, express your emotions, delegate certain tasks, or consult a support professional.


Rest and find pleasure in daily life

Thinking of yourself means setting aside time every day to recharge your batteries by doing what you enjoy. A realistic goal is more likely to be achieved than bold projects! For example, a 20-minute nap, gardening, reading, a 10-minute walk, or a musical break. The key is that the chosen activities match your desires, relax you, and give you the energy you need again.


Discuss with your employer

Your role as a caregiver may affect your job due to possible absences related to your caregiving responsibilities. You can meet with your employer and discuss this situation with them. Reducing the number of hours worked, modifying your tasks, or working from home may be solutions depending on your situation.

As a natural caregiver, you may be eligible for various forms of assistance offered by the Government of Canada. Inform yourself about your situation. Check out our resources page here. And don’t forget that we are here for you.

Additional Information - Treatment options


How I coped with prostate cancer

A man with prostate cancer shares the challenges of his cancer experience.

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Urologist’s advice: Treatments and information on prostate cancer

Learn more about the role of the urologist and the importance for a patient to gather adequate information after receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis.

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Prostate cancer: Tests, imaging and biomarkers

Discussion about the variety of approaches available to monitor this disease before, during, or after treatment.  

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Is prostate cancer hereditary?

Understanding the hereditary and genetic aspects of this disease can provide valuable information to both individuals affected and their families.

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Symptoms, risk and screening

Are you over 50 or experiencing urinary problems? Discover why early screening for prostate diseases is important.

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Diagnosis and treatment

Recently diagnosed with cancer? Educate yourself to fully understand your situation.  

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The role of hormone therapy

Has your doctor recommended hormone therapy? This video is for you!

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States of prostate cancer following treatment

Do your recent tests show an increase in PSA levels? It could indicate a recurrence.

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External radiation or Brachytherapy?

Explore the benefits and considerations of each treatment option for prostate cancer to determine which might be right for you.

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Q-A – New therapies for advance prostate cancer

In this interview, we answer patients’ questions about new therapies for advanced prostate cancer.

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Genetic predisposition to prostate cancer

Although rare, some hereditary genetic mutations can increase your risk of prostate cancer.

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All about hormone therapy

Hormone therapy can reduce tumor size, control cancer, and prolong life. Is it the right treatment for your cancer?

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Active surveillance in 5 points

As surprising as it may seem, your doctor may prefer to wait before starting treatment.

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States of prostate cancer post-treatment

Gentlemen, you’re being treated for prostate cancer, and your latest blood tests show an increase in PSA levels?

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Your role as a patient

Have you been diagnosed with prostate cancer? Your role as a patient is essential throughout your journey.

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Me a guinea pig?

Did you know that participating in a clinical trial advances medical science and improves the lot of patients for future generations?

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Sources and references
Last medical and editorial review: April 2024. See our web page validation committee and our collaborators by clicking here.

Discover our animated video!

Symptoms, risk and screening
Are you over 50 years old, or have you been having urinary problems for some time now? This video is for you! Several diseases can affect your prostate, and it’s important to detect them early. Let’s take a closer look. 



What is the prostate

Illustration de l’appareil de l’homme pour un cancer prostate

The prostate is a gland:

  • Located between the bladder and the penis, just in front of the rectum;
  • Formed of 2 lobes which surround the urethra, a canal that runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine and sperm flow out of the body;
  • The size of a walnut, which grows larger in size in your forties;
  • That has a soft, spongy texture to the touch like a small, ripe plum.

The prostate is made of:

  • Gland cells that secrete liquids for ejaculation;
  • Muscle cells that participate in the evacuation of your sperm during ejaculation;
  • Fiber cells that maintain the structure of the gland.

Around the prostate, we find:

  • The seminal vesicles, glands that produce sperm and that are located on either side of the prostate;
  • The vas deferens, the tube that carries sperm from the testicle to the seminal vesicles;
  • The nerve bundles that control your bladder and erectile function and that are located on either side of your prostate.


Three main zones of the prostate

Illustration des 3 zones de la prostate de l’homme cancer prostate

Peripheral zone

  • The peripheral zone is the largest area of the prostate. It can easily be felt by the doctor during a digital rectal exam (DRE).
  • Most prostate cancers start in the peripheral zone.

Transition zone

  • This is the area located in the middle of the prostate, between the peripheral and central areas. It surrounds your urethra that runs through the prostate.
  • With age, the transitional area increases in size until it becomes the largest portion of your prostate. This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate.

Central zone

  • It is the part of the prostate that is farthest from the rectum. This is why prostate tumors located in this area can not be felt by the doctor during a digital rectal examination.
  • If the doctor is in doubt, the following information will help decide if additional investigation is necessary:
    • Your PSA level
    • Your age and family history
    • Your ethnic origin


In short

Illustration d’une prostate saine cancer prostate

Your fertility and natural fertilization

  • It produces … a prostatic fluid rich in enzymes, proteins and minerals that nourishes and protects your spermatozoa.
  • It makes … a protein (APS) that is used to liquefy your sperm to facilitate the mobility of your spermatozoa.
  • It allows … ejaculation by contracting.
  • It promotes … fertility through its enzymes facilitating the penetration of sperm through the cervix.
  • It is not related to the mechanism of erection. Therefore, the origin of erectile dysfunction lies elsewhere.

Additional details

Exocrine Function

The prostate is made up of thousands of tiny fluid-producing glands. Specifically, the prostate is an exocrine gland. Exocrine glands are so-called because they secrete through ducts to the outside of the body (or into a cavity that communicates with the outside). Sweat glands are another example of an exocrine gland.

The fluid that the prostate gland produces forms part of semen, the fluid that carries sperm during orgasm. This fluid, produced in the prostate, is stored with sperm in the seminal vesicles. When the male climaxes, muscular contractions cause the prostate to secrete this fluid into the urethra, where it is expelled from the body through the penis.

Urine Flow

The prostate wraps itself around the urethra as it passes from the bladder to the penis. Prostatic changes can affect urine flow. Increasing the size of the prostate or muscle tone may impede the flow of urine due to the close anatomical relationship between the urethra and the prostate.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

The prostate also produces a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is released with the ejaculatory fluid and can also be traced in the bloodstream. The testing of PSA levels in the blood is used to detect prostate cancer. The level of PSA in the blood is usually measured in nanograms of PSA per milliliter of blood (ng/mL).

A raised PSA level

Usually, a PSA rate of less than 4 nanograms per milliliter of blood is normal, but age should also be taken into consideration as PSA levels gradually increase with age. A rise in PSA concentration may indicate the presence of:

  • An enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
  • An inflammation or infection of the prostate (prostatitis)
  • A prostate cancer

Your doctor will have you undergo other tests to determine the exact cause of the increase in your PSA.

We are here for you

You have questions or concerns? Don’t hesitate. Contact us at 1-855-899-2873 to discuss with one of our nurses specialized in uro-oncology. They are there to listen, support and answer your questions, and those of your family or your loved ones. It’s simple and free, like all of our other services.

Also take the time to visit each of our pages on this website, as well as our YouTube channel, in order to get familiar with the disease, our expert lectures, our section on available resources, the support that is offered to you, our events and ways to get involved to advance the cause..


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Sources and references

Last medical and editorial review: September 2023
Written by PROCURE. © All rights reserved

Prostate cancer
do not experience it alone.

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