Third Party Events
Third party events are organized by women and men – ambassadors – dedicated to the cause of prostate cancer and committed to support PROCURE. We greatly appreciate your support and generosity of all your initiatives. Below is the list of all the initiatives from our various ambassadors and friends that have occurred to date.
Congratulations and thank you…click here to expand
Juin 2018 – Spa Littoral soutient PROCURE tout le mois de juin
Un grand merci aux Remparts de Québec pour leur invitation à présenter le match contre les Olympiques de Gatineau le 29 novembre. Ce fut un réel plaisir que de faire la mise au jeu et de voir la mascotte, les entraîneurs et le staff porter fièrement le nœud papillon PROCURE.
6 juin 2018 – Tournoi de Golf de Magog
Une nouvelle activité au profit de PROCURE a vu le jour ce printemps, le tournoi de golf de Magog, organisé au club de golf Venise. L’objectif de 5000$ a été largement dépassé puisqu’au final l’ensemble des joueurs qui ont pris part au tournoi puis au souper et à l’encan en soirée ont permis de récolter 10000$ pour aider la recherche contre le cancer de la prostate. Merci 10000 fois au comité organisateur mené par Bruce Morisson avec Carol Duquette, Jacques Dufresne, Denis Lefebvre et Sylvain Chabot.
Rendez-vous le 5 juin 2019 pour la 2e édition.
12 juin 2018 – Tournoi de golf annuel LKQ
Le Tournoi de golf annuel LKQ Pintendre Auto corporation et leurs 212 convives et 144 joueurs battaient un nouveau record le 15 juin dans le cadre du 26e tournoi de golf annuel avec un total de 62 000 $ qui a été récolté et sera entièrement remis à PROCURE, pour combattre le cancer de la prostate.
Merci énormément à Sylvain Lavallée, directeur du développement des affaires de LKQ et à Luc Dupont Hébert pour leur engagement pour la cause.
18 aout 2018 – Omnium Greg Messier
La 6e édition de l’Omnium Greg Messier a permis de récolter 20000$ pour aider la recherche et lutter contre le cancer de la prostate.
Merci énormément à l’organisateur Jerry Messier et son comité, aux 12 bénévoles présents lors de l’événement, ainsi que les employés et propriétaires du Club de golf international 2000.
Rendez-vous le 10 septembre 2019 pour la 7e édition.
26 aout 2018 – Tournoi de Softball
Le dimanche 26 aout 2018 a eu lieu la 1re édition du tournoi de softball organisé par Broken7 en collaboration avec la Ligue de softball de Rosemont au profit de PROCURE.
Une quarantaine de joueurs ont participé à cette journée qui a permis de récolter près de 1000$ pour aider la recherche contre le cancer de la prostate.
27 octobre 2018 – Spinning des Célébrités PROCURE
Merci au Club Sportif MAA qui nous a permis d’organiser cette première édition du Spinning des Célébrités PROCURE présenté par Bicycles Quilicot !
Plus de 250 participants sont venus toute la journée rouler avec nos 15 célébrités et 18000$ ont été amassés pour aider la recherche contre le cancer de la prostate.
Merci à tous pour votre présence, votre sourire et votre énergie !
C’est un rendez-vous pour 2019!
Novembre 2018 – Soutien de la ligue junior de hockey du Québec
Merci aux Remparts de Québec, aux Saguenéens de Chicoutimi, à l’Armada de Blainville et au Phoenix de Sherbrooke ainsi qu’à leurs partisans pour leur accueil et leur support à la cause PROCURE depuis de nombreuses années lors notre campagne Noeudvembre.
Cette année les entraîneurs portaient le nœud papillon ainsi que la mascotte, la promotion de la campagne a également été faite sur le site web des différentes équipes, leurs réseaux sociaux, le jumbotron et autres.
17 novembre 2018 – Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer
Pour la 7e année, le souper-bénéfice Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where it Hurts, entièrement géré par des étudiants, a tenu toutes ses promesses ce samedi soir à Laval avec 168 invités présents, un record ! Grâce au comité organisateur et aux généreuses contributions des participants à la lutte contre le cancer de la prostate, 13440$ ont été amassés pour la lutte contre le cancer de la prostate.
MERCI énormément à l’équipe derrière toute l’organisation : Gabrielle Hornstein, Maria Angurias, Susie Saltarelli, Eleni Karatzas, Nick Karatzas et Christos Karatzas.
22 novembre 2018 – Affaire Papillon
Plus de 400 personnes se sont retrouvées à l’Hôtel Place d’Armes pour cette 6e édition de L’Affaire Papillon.
Au cours de cette soirée-bénéfice, 125 000 $ ont été amassés pour la recherche contre le cancer de la prostate au Québec et en soutien aux 12 Québécois qui reçoivent un diagnostic tous les jours.
Merci énormément à nos invités, ambassadeurs, partenaires d’avoir fait de cette soirée un véritable succès. Photos de l’événement – Cliquez !
23 novembre 2018 – Petit Déjeuner-bénéfice de Sherbrooke
La 10e édition du Petit Déjeuner de Sherbrooke a accueilli plus de 250 personnes ce vendredi 23 novembre à l’hôtel Delta de Sherbrooke.
Sous la présidence d’honneur de Monsieur Jocelyn Thibault, ce rendez-vous annuel, animé par une conférence inspirante de Caroline Ouellette, a permis d’amasser 31145 $.
Un immense merci à l’organisation du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS), le comité UNIS CONTRE LE CANCER DE LA PROSTATE et les bénévoles qui font de cet événement un réel succès année après année.
24 novembre 2018 – Vrai Défi de la Glace
La 5e édition du Vrai Défi de Glace organisé au profit de PROCURE par Denis Petitclerc a de nouveau connu un large succès cette année. Grâce aux 44 participants sur place au Complexe Sportif Thibault GM, ce sont 2035$ qui ont été récoltés pour venir en soutien des 12 hommes par jour qui reçoivent un diagnostic de cancer de la prostate au Québec.
28 novembre 2018 – 5@7 Salon Lexa
Encore cette année le coiffeur et barbier Jason Massa Barbier a participé à Noeudvembre en organisant un événement 5@7 à son Salon, Lexa.
Ce sont près de 1000$ qui ont été amassés pour la lutte contre le cancer de la prostate.
Merci beaucoup à lui pour son soutien à la cause PROCURE année après année.
Congratulations and thank you…click here to expand
November 29, 2017 – Thank you Quebec Remparts
A big thank you to the Quebec Remparts for their invitation to present the game against the Gatineau Olympiques on November 29th. It was a real pleasure to take the puck and see the mascot, the coaches and the staff proudly wearing the PROCURE bow tie.
November 23, 2017 -The Bow Tie Affair breaks all records
More than 600 participants gathered at the William Gray Hotel for one of Montreal’s trendiest events, the Bow Tie Affair. During this benefit evening, $150,000 was raised for research in Quebec and to support people affected by prostate cancer. A huge thank you to the Antonopoulos Group who made the realization of this wonderful 2017 edition possible! See the event photos here
November 19, 2017 – Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer delivers big with over $10,000 raised
Thanks to the organizing committee and the generous contributions of the participants in the fight against prostate cancer, the 6th edition of the magnificent fundraising dinner, entirely run by students, was a success. Under the theme Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts, $ 10,000 was donated to PROCURE. A huge thank you to the organizers Nicolaos Karatzas, Christos Karatzas, Eleni Karatzas, Maria Angurias, Susie Saltarelli and Gabrielle Hornstein for their involvement and superb work. See the event photos here
November 4, 2017 – The Saguenéens de Chicoutimi mobilize for the cause
Thanks to the Saguenéens de Chicoutimi for their new involvement in PROCURE. The coaches and the mascot wore the bow tie and throughout the evening, the promotion of the beautiful garment and of Bowvember were put forward by the animator. These are gestures that make a difference for PROCURE. Thank you also to the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League for its invaluable support for the cause. See the event photos here
October 27, 2017 – Sherbrooke fundraising breakfast breaks all records
More than 250 people attended the morning meeting on October 27 in Sherbrooke. Under the honorary presidency of Mr. Jacques Fortier, this annual meeting, animated by an inspiring conference by mountaineer Gabriel Filippi, raised $28,630.
A huge thank you to the organization of the CHUS, UNIS CONTRE LE CANCER DE LA PROSTATE and the volunteers who make this event a real success year after year.
October 24, 2017 – LKQ presents the fruits of its golf tournament during PROCURE’s Board Meeting
It was before the members of the PROCURE Board of Directors that the check for the 25th LKQ Pintendre Auto Corporation Golf Tournament was presented. Remember that under the honorary presidency of Sylvain Lavallée, accompanied by his faithful accomplice Luc Dupont Hébert, this tournament, which took place on June 16, raised $37,505 for the cause. Thank you for this wonderful mark of confidence and support for Quebecers affected by this disease and PROCURE.
October 22, 2017 -Meet the dynamic Real Ice Challengers
2,662 THANKS to the participants of the 4th edition of the Real Ice Challenge organized for the benefit of PROCURE by Denis Petitclerc, one of PROCURE’s great ambassador. Thanks also to Stephen Cabana and Jocelyn Thibault for their precious generosity. Without the contribution of the Thibault GM Sports Complex valued at approximately $745, this charitable activity would not have had the same scope.
October 21, 2017 – The first of the Og-Tober Fat was a real success
A big thank you to the organization that raised, through registration and donations, the round sum of $2,200 for PROCURE. Line and Gilbert are already looking forward to seeing you next year to discover the beautiful Ogden Trail, a mix of singletrack and logging roads, on 130 acres of private land. A true breath of fresh air for you in 2018! See the event photos here
October 20, 2017 – The CMEQ mobilizes for men and their loved ones
25,000 times THANK YOU to the Corporation of Master Electricians of Quebec for its exceptional involvement in PROCURE this year. A check for $ 25,000 was presented at their 67th Annual Members’ Meeting in Montebello by Mr. Gagnon, an electrician and prostate cancer survivor. A great achievement for a cause close to their hearts, paired with a vibrant testimony. See his testimonial here
June 24, 2017 – A great edition for the André Guay Open
A memorable day for a good cause, the 2nd edition of the André Guay Open at the 2000 International Golf Club included brunch, golf, cart, dinner show and fireworks. A memorable day and evening that raised $7,000 for the fight against prostate cancer. A warm thank you to the organizing committee and all golfers for their support to PROCURE.
June 16, 2017 – 25 years of golf and prestige for LKQ
It was at the 2000 International Golf Club that LKQ Pintendre Auto’s Associates, collaborators, and partners gathered together for their prestigious annual golf tournament for the benefit of PROCURE. Under the honorary president Sylvain Lavallée, the 25th edition of this tournament raised $37,000 for the cause! Congratulations to Sylvain Lavallée, LKQ partners, PH Vitres and 3M, and to all the golfers for their participation in this successful fundraiser event. Thank you for this beautiful mark of confidence and support for Quebecers affected by this prostate cancer and for PROCURE.
June 1, 2017 – The CMEQ at the rendez-vous for PROCURE
Golf Club Elm Ridge (Île Bizard) was the venue for the golf tournament presented by five sections of the CMEQ (Corporation of Master Electricians of Quebec), allowing members of the Lanaudière, Laurentides, Longueuil / Sorel, Montreal and Valleyfield regions to socialize, network and raise funds for PROCURE. A huge thank you to the organizing committee, the many partners and all the golfers for their participation in this fundraising event that raised $12,000 for the fight against prostate cancer. See the event photos here.
May 16, 2017 – Gestures that make a difference
Thanks to the officers and members of Council 1813 of the Knights of Columbus of Saint-Eustache for choosing, among others, PROCURE and prostate cancer as a cause for their 2016-2017 campaign charitable work. As a result, $600 was raised for PROCURE and the fight against prostate cancer. Thank you once again for your précious generosity.
Congratulations and thank you…click here to expand
November 2016 – Pfizer employees committed to fight cancer
A big thank you to Pfizer employees, who throughout the month of November, have been involved in raising funds for PROCURE. The internal bow ties and cupcake sales, coupled with an original cyclothon between colleagues, raised more than $ 4,800 for the fight against prostate cancer. Thank you, Pfizer, for these wonderful initiatives and for supporting Quebecers affected by this disease.
November 30, 2016 – 3 Brewers mobilizes for PROCURE
Congratulations to 3 Brewers Canada for organizing a Charity evening to raise funds for PROCURE on November 30, including creating a fabulous tasty beer for the occasion, the PROSTACHE. Indeed, the generosity of all participants and partners helped raise $20,000 for the fight against prostate cancer. A big thank you to all for a great initiative as well as their support and dedication. See the event photos here.
November 19, 2016 – Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts
Thanks to the organizing committee and the generous contributions from all participants, the 5th edition of the magnificent annual fundraising dinner event was quite successful. Under the theme Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts, the event, run entirely by students, raised $8,895 for the cause. A huge thank you to the organizers Nicolaos Karatzas, Christos Karatzas, Maria Angurias, Susie Saltarelli, Gabrielle Hornstein for their involvement and their exceptional work.
November 3, 2016 – The Bow Tie Affair: A trendy event!
More than 400 people attended the annual Bow Tie Affair fundraising event hosted by the Antonopoulos Group at Hôtel William Grey in downtown Montreal on November 3. This chic happening helped raise $80,000 to support PROCURE’s mission. A huge thank you to the Antonopoulos Group, the event organizers, the sponsors and the participants for a wonderful evening. Unable to attend? You will have another chance in 2017! See the event photos here.
October 28, 2016 – A Winning Mind with Pierre Vercheval
Over 150 people attended the benefit breakfast organized by UNITED AGAINST PROSTATE CANCER under the patronage of Mr. Pierre Vercheval, the first Francophone inducted into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame and now a football analyst at RDS. Held on October 28, this event raised over $20,843. Thank you to the organizing committee and volunteers who make his event a success year after year.
September 25, 2016 – Kudos to Yanic Parent for his achievement
Kudos to Yanic Parent who participated in the 42 km Marathon which took place in Montreal on Sunday, September 25, and who helped raise $1,275 for the fight against prostate cancer. A big thank you to our runner for this superb fundraising as well as a remarkable race for the cause, and to his donors for their valuable support.
September 24, 2016 – Thanks to the Real Ice Challengers
Congratulations and thanks to Denis Petitclerc, and to the 44 players from the HockeyOver45 players, the Waterloo League and the Hockey Trente of Sherbrooke who took the Real Ice Challenge in the fight against prostate cancer. By meeting this challenge, $2 993 was raised for PROCURE.A huge thank you to Jocelyn Thibault, Stephen Cabana and staff of the complex sports Thibault GM for generously giving ice time to this charitable activity. And a special thanks to Pierre Damour, Yvan Juneau, the goalkeepers, referees, timekeeper, photographer and fans who made this activity a great sporting success. See the event photos here.
September 9 – 10, 2016 – Kudos to Femmes de course!
Thanks to the kind-hearted women who have taken up the challenge of running the 250 km that surround the Lac-Saint-Jean. Their determination made it possible to raise a total of $50,000, including $25,000 for the fight against prostate cancer. A huge thank you to organizers Denise and Diane Marcoux, and to all volunteers for this 6thedition of the Tour du Lac, a unique event of its kind. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of all those affected by prostate cancer.
June 17, 2016 – Thank you LKQ Pintendre Auto
Associates, collaborators, and partners of LKQ Pintendre Auto gathered together for a golf tournament at the magnificent Club de Golf Beloeil to benefit PROCURE. Organized by Multi Concepts Média’s Luc Dupont-Hébert with Sylvain Lavallée as honorary president, the 24th edition of the LKQ Pintendre Auto golf tournament raised $22,000 for the prostate cancer cause. A big thank you to Sylvain Lavallée, the LKP partners, and all the golfers for their participation in this fundraiser.
June 2, 2016 – A great golf tournament by the CMEQ
It is at the beautiful Elm Ridge Club that partners and golfers got together for the golf tournament organized by the Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec (CMEQ) to benefit PROCURE. Organize on June 2, the event helped raise $10,000 for the cause. A huge thank you to the Organizing Committee, composed of representatives from the Lanaudière, Laurentides, Longueuil/Sorel, Montréal and Valleyfield regions: Patrick Alder (LN), Karl Ruel (LN), Denis Lajeunesse (LA) Daniel Sarrazin (LA), Luc Mercier (LS), Brian Gordon (MO), Daniel Mercier (MO) and Bruno Landry (VA). Thank you to all participants in making this fundraiser event a success.
May 24, 2016 – Thanks to the Knights of Columbus
Thanks to the officers and members of Council 1813 of the Knights of Columbus of Saint-Eustache for choosing, among others, PROCURE and prostate cancer as a cause for their 2015-2016 campaign charitable works. As a result, $500 was raised for PROCURE. Thank you once again for your generosity.
April 19, 2016 – A great cocktail by les Éleveurs de dindon
A huge thank you to les Éleveurs de dindon du Québec for their generosity towards the cause of prostate cancer. A benefit cocktail party organized on April 19 raised $19,193 in support of PROCURE. Hosted by Mr. Jean Pagé, spokesperson for PROCURE, the evening, rich in emotions, was attended by 275 people, all gathered for the cause.
April 15, 2016 – Thanks to LOCWELD for their fund raising
A big thank you to the LOCWELD workers union who, on April 15, handed the tidy sum of $5,000 to PROCURE. Indeed, the Candiac plant which has 163 unionized employees, predominantly male, chose the cause of prostate cancer for their fundraising event. Thank you for this beautiful gesture and for your support to Quebeckers affected by this disease
Congratulations and thank you…click here to expand
December 12, 2015 – Full house at Dundees first edition of the Magical Musical Evening
Hosted by actor and founder of Strangers in the Night, Larry Day, the musical evening was an amazing opportunity to help fight prostate cancer, eat, receive musical gifts from many of the artists, and witness the historic talents of the main act: Jerry Mercer and Gary Moffet from April Wine fame and Breen LeBoeuf, sideman with the legendary Gerry Boulet, from famous Offenbach. Thanks to Rick Keene from RickKeeneMusicScene and to Peter Kandiolotis, owner of Dundees, the event raised more than $1,750 for the cause.
November 28, 2015 –Party Lottery and Bow Tie for the cause
Thanks to the elegant charity evening organized by Maxime and Anthony Ligot at the North End -Oyster Bar, the amount of $1,123 was raised to advance our fight against prostate cancer. A big thank you for your support and your energy! See the event photos here
November 27, 2015 – The Quebec Junior Hockey League supports the cause
Thank you to Mr. Marino Fabbri, hockey team president of the Cobras de Terrebonne and to the Mayor of Terrebonne, Mr. Jean-Marc Robitaille, for their support in the fight against prostate cancer during the month of November. Also, thanks to the Quebec Junior Hockey League teams, the exceptional hockey players as well as the hockey fans for their support to the cause, allowing to raise the sum of $6,400. Thank you for this solidarity towards men and their families.
November 26, 2015 – The Kev & Max Challenge 2015 to benefit PROCURE
The Kev & Max Challenge 2015 succeeded once more its fundraising campaign to benefit of PROCURE in November. Indeed, a bow tie sale, combined with a ticket draw to attend the NHL Winter Classic Hockey Game on January 1, 2016, helped raise $9,570 for the cause. Congratulations and thanks to the organizers Kevin Doucette and Maxime Rodrigue as well as to all participants in the Challenge.
November 21, 2015 – Soccer Tournament by KAN Football Club for the cause
Over 40 soccer players from six teams rallied to the cause by participating in a soccer tournament organized by Kan Football Club (Kan FC). A big thank you to all players and participating teams and to Sydney Fowo, Réginald Joseph and Sofiane Benzaza for their involvement in organizing this event, which raised $500 for the cause.
November 19, 2015 – When students are involved, the result is very impressive!
Wearing civilian clothes in exchange for donations allowed students of Collège Nouvelles Frontières collect donations totaling $ 2,200 on November 19. A huge thank you to Véronique Lapointe and all Student Board Members for this beautiful gesture.
November 17, 2015 – The FMSS fashion show supports the cause
Thank you to the Sherbrooke University Medical Faculty for a wonderful evening of haute couture. Under the theme Locally vogue, part of the fashion show proceeds were shared with PROCURE. Thanks to the organizers Gabrielle Patenaude and Chloé St-Pierre for their superb work.
November 13, 2015 – Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts
Thanks to the organizing committee and the generous contributions from all participants, the fundraising dinner event was quite successful. Under the theme Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts, the event, run entirely by students, raised $6,470 for the cause. A huge thank you to the organizers Niko and Christo Karatzas, Maria Angurias, Susie Saltarelli and Gaby Hornstein for their involvement and their exceptional work.
November 12, 2015 – The Bow Tie Affair: A trendy event!
More than 300 people attended the annual Bow Tie Affair fundraising event hosted by the Antonopoulos Group at Hôtel Nelligan in downtown Montreal on November 12, 2015. This chic happening helped raise close to $ 57,000 to support PROCURE’s mission. A huge thank you to the Antonopoulos Group, the event organizers, the sponsors and the participants for a wonderful evening. Unable to attend? You will have another chance in 2016! See the event photos here
November 12, 2015 – The BartCoaching team mobilizes for PROCURE
Congratulations to the BartCoaching team, their partners and the Broken7 brewer for organizing a lottery to raise funds for PROCURE on November 12. Indeed, the generosity of all participants and partners helped raise more than $1,700 for the cause. A big thank you to Bart Rolet and to the Broken7 team for their support and dedication.
November 7, 2015 – A wine and cheese tasting and a silent auction of art works for a good cause
Thanks to the staff and students of the Charlotte-Tassé Professional Training Centre for organizing a wine and cheese tasting and a silent auction of art works by artists and sculptors of international reputation for the benefit of PROCURE. The event, held on November 7, and appreciated by all participants, raised $1,000 for the cause.
November 4, 2015 – The HELM’s Happy Hour Event for PROCURE
A big thank you to the HELM microbrewery for the organization of a happy hour fundraising event on November 4, which helped raise $500 for the cause.
November 1, 2015 – I walk for PROCURE
Walkers and runners gathered on November 1 as part of I Walk for PROCURE in the historic Saint-Jean area. The 3rd edition of the Walk raised $1,690 for PROCURE. A huge thank you, once more, to Pierre Lussier from Kinatex and to André Vidal from Promotion Choc, for this great event in support of our fight against prostate cancer.
October 30, 2015 – One Rowing Stroke at A Time with Mylène Paquette
Over 168 people attended the benefit breakfast organized by UNITED AGAINST PROSTATE CANCER under the patronage of Mr. Denis Bourque, owner of the Sherbrooke and Lac-Mégantic Tim Hortons. Held on October 30, this event raised over $35,330. Thank you to the organizing committee and volunteers who make his event a success year after year.
October 7, 2015 – Montreal Canadiens v. Maple Leafs NHL: A memorable return
The return of the hockey season was a great opportunity for PROCURE and Broken7 brewer to raise funds during a memorable hockey evening at the Bière Brisset Brewery on October 7. Thanks to Stéphane Pilon and Pol Brisset, $500 was raised for the cause during the evening.
September 26, 2015 – The first stylish ride for Gentleman
The first ride for motorcyclists whose goal was to raise funds for PROCURE took place on September 26, 2015. Inspired by the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride event, more than 60 riders, dressed in a jacket and a bow tie, traveled 130 km and raised $1,000 for the cause. Thanks to all the participants and the organizers of this great event, which will return in 2016. See the event photos here
September 19, 2015 – The Real Ice Challenge
On September 19, 2015, ‘Hockeyover45’ took part again in the Real Ice Challenge for the fight against prostate cancer. By meeting this challenge, they raised $ 2,370 for PROCURE. A huge thank you to all 22 players from the Eastern Township who made this activity a success. And to Jocelyn Thibault, thank you for so generously giving us the ice time needed for this volunteer activity at the Complexe Sportif GM Thibault of Sherbrooke.
September 11-12, 2015 – Outstanding women!
Last September, fifty outstanding women ran the 250 km that surrounds the Lac-Saint-Jean, and raised a total amount of $49 500, including $24,750 for the fight against prostate cancer. A huge thank you to the organizers Denise and Diane Marcoux, and to the volunteers for this 4th edition of Les Femmes de course, a unique event of its kind.
June 21, 2015 – Congratulations to Murielle Lapierre, who amassed the largest amount of money for the PROCURE Walk of Courage 2015. Indeed, Murielle, whose spouse is suffering from prostate cancer, has succeeded in raising over $2,000 for the cause.
June 21, 2015 – Thanks to Ian McJannet and his family, who participate in the last five editions of the PROCURE Walk of Courage, in memory of his father Bill, who died of prostate cancer. M. McJannet argues that the Walk of Courage is one of the best ways to raise awareness of prostate cancer issues. This year, he has donated over $1,000 to PROCURE for the cause.
June 21, 2015 – Thanks to Shannon and Pearl Wilensky who, for more than five years, have been promoting the Walk of Courage in their restaurant, the infamous Wilensky’s Light Lunch and raising funds for the cause. This year, the Moe’s Pros team amassed the tidy sum of $1, 850. Thank you once again for your generous contribution.
June 20, 2015 – In memory of her two grandfathers, one of whom died of prostate cancer, Anna Mihaltchev participated in the Alaskan marathon on June 20, thus turning her dream into reality, in addition to contributing to the fight against prostate cancer. Anna amassed over $5,000 for the cause. Congratulations for this wonderful gesture Anna!
June 12, 2015 – Associates, employees and partners of LKQ Pintendre Auto got together at the beautiful Beloeil Golf Club for a tournament to benefit PROCURE. Organized by Luc Dupont-Hébert of Multi Concepts Médias, with Sylvain Lavallée as honorary president, the 23rd edition of this tournament raised over $22,000 for the cause. A big thank you to Sylvain Lavallée, to LKQ partners, 3M et PH Vitres d’autos, and to all participants.
June 11, 2015 – Thanks to Zone spa Sora from St-Bruno de Montarville, who decided to associate with causes that matter to them. Each month, they select a care and redistribute an amount raised by this treatment to a specific Foundation. Thank you for choosing our organization for the months of April and November.
June 6, 2015 – Thanks to Véronique Marques, who organized a fund-raising tribute for her recently deceased uncle from prostate cancer. The event raised a total of $1,265. Warm thanks for supporting PROCURE and the cause.
May 30, 2015 – Brossard Chevrolet held the largest gathering of Corvettes in Quebec, with more than 182 owners-exhibitors of these racing cars, 400 visitors, including our spokesman Jean Pagé and Bertrand Godin, a former racing driver. Thanks to the owners, Gabriel Dallaire and Monic Bédard, who donated $2 000, an amount equally shared between PROCURE and the Fondation du cancer du sein du Québec. With all this success, a second edition will be held on Saturday, May 28, 2016.
May 20, 2015 – Thanks to the officers and members of Council 1813 of the Knights of Columbus of Saint-Eustache for choosing, among others, PROCURE and prostate cancer as a cause for their 2014-2015 campaign charitable works. As a result, $700 was raised for PROCURE. Thank you once again for your generosity.
May 17, 2015 – In addition to success on the track, the new challenge JUST BET / PROCURE by CFMOTO was truly popular. With many participants joining CFMOTO and ten (10) side by side ZFORCE 800 drivers, $225 was raised to support PROCURE in its fight against prostate cancer. Thanks to Piero Manzini and his team for this superb event.
April 17, 2015 – Thank you to les Éleveurs de dindon du Québec for their generosity to PROCURE and the cause of prostate cancer. Their benefit cocktail party raised closed to $20,000, an amount equally shared between PROCURE and l’Auberge du cœur Roland-Gauvreau from Joliette. Hosted by PROCURE spokesman Jean Pagé, this emotion-filled event was attended by about 225 people in support of both causes.
April 11, 2015 – The organization Man of Heart has awarded more than $500 to PROCURE, sums raised as part of a special day dedicated to men’s health on April 11. Thanks to Luc Lacroix for choosing PROCURE and the cause of prostate cancer for your fundraising event.
Congratulations and thank you…click here to expand
November 28, 2014 – At the issue of the CASCADES 2014 MOUSTACHE CHALLENGE fundraising campaign that took place November 3 to 28, Sylvain Bernier, Kevin Doucette and Maxime Rodriguez handed over the tidy sum of $10,000 to PROCURE. The KEV & MAX CHALLENGE raised $8,000, while the ultramarathon runner Sylvain Bernier raised over $2,000 for PROCURE thanks to a fundraising race. Congratulations to our three Cascades Ambassadors and thanks to all who took part in this successful campaign!
November 13, 2014 – Close to 200 people attended the annual Bow Tie Affair fundraising event hosted by Antonopoulos Group at Hôtel Nelligan in downtown Montréal. This trendy event raised $30,000 for PROCURE. A huge thank you to Antonopoulos Group, the event organizers, their partners and the sponsors for a wonderful evening. Unable to attend? You will have another chance in 2015!
November 2, 2014 – More than 90 walkers and runners gathered as part of I Walk for PROCURE in the historic Saint-Jean area. Under the patronage of Jacques Duval, with PROCURE spokesman Jean Pagé, the 2nd edition of the Walk raised over $3,650 for PROCURE. Thank you to organizers Pierre Lussier and Andre Vidal for this great event, which will return on November 1, 2015.
October 31, 2014 – Breakfast with Pierre Lavoie – Over 100 people attended the benefit breakfast organized by United Against Prostate Cancer under the patronage of Alain LeMayre, CEO of Cascades. Held on October 31, this event raised over $27,000! A big thank you to the organizing committee and volunteers who made this success possible.
September 6, 2014 – The Real Ice Challenge – ‘Hockeyover45’ took part for the first time in the Real Ice Challenge for the fight against prostate cancer. By meeting this challenge, we raised $ 2,552 for PROCURE. A special thank you to Steve Stickles, Claude Leclair and André Deboer for making this event a reality. Another special thank you to the leaders of the Belley company for theirgenerous contribution. A huge thank you to all 22 players from the Eastern Township who sweated profusely tomake this activity a sporting and financial success for this cause. And finally, to Jocelyn Thibault, thank you from all of us for so generously giving us the ice time needed for this volunteer activity at the Complexe Sportif GMThibault of Sherbrooke. And now, for those who are passionate enough for hockey and the cause of cancer to support PROCURE, the Force Against Prostate Cancer, the Real Ice Challenge is on. Can you meet this challenge? (See the photos)
September 6, 2014 – Nuns’ Island golf course as hosted the first edition of the “already” famous golf tournament organized by Marc Lachapelle and Hugo Laramée, raising over $ 2,650. Thank you to all participants for participa ting in this unique golf tournament, and see you next year!
September 5-6, 2014 – For their third edition of the Tour du Lac, Les Femmes de Course have raised more than 41 750$ for prostate cancer and for the Havre du Lac St-Jean. Very big THANK YOU to the 60 women have taken up the challenge of running 260km and a special thank you to the organizers and volunteers of this unique event in the world.
August 6, 2014 – On Ile-Bizard, stood the first edition of The Pro-Celebrity golf event to the benefit PROCURE and SIMPLE PLAN foundation. Hosted by Multi Media Concepts with Joey Saputo as the honorary president, this unique event allowed fans to play golf with known personalities from business, sports, entertainment and politics. Thank you to all the participants to have raised over $ 21,500!
June 8, 2014 – In Victoriaville, Mr Dave Harris did raise $267.20 by cycling 50km around the Reservoir Beaudet. Thank you, Mr Harris for supporting the prostate cancer cause.
May 17, 2014 – In La Prairie, Mr. Sylvain Groulx and Pierre Bonneterre have organized a golf tournament named – TOURNOI DE GOLF ENTRE AMIS. Thank you very much for your support.
Congratulations and thank you…click here to expand
November 30, 2013 – In Terrebonne, as part of the campaign PROCURE’s challenges, a group of Terrebonne’s employees have raised a total of $1,007 and it was awarded to PROCURE. Thank you to all employees who participated in the challenge (See photos).
November 28, 2013 – In Montreal, stood the first edition of a Bow Tie Affair, in which 200 participants enjoyed themselves. Big thank you to the Antonopoulos Group, the event organizer, partners and sponsors. (See photos)
Novembre 24, 2013 – Powerwatts Nord – a group instructors and cyclists, has raised more than $700 by holding an intense bike class on the PowerWatts bike system: An incomparable and exclusive experience available only at the studio in Boisbriand – please visit their website – Powerwatts Nord Boisbriand
November 15, 2013 – In Gatineau, $1,200 were raised from the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign, specifically for PROCURE, to get Réjean Poitras, Director in the Innovation, Information and Technology Branch (IITB) of the Employment and Social Development Department, to part with his “hairy friend” on his last day at work. A very special day for Réjean: He was retiring after a brilliant career within IITB. To leave friends, colleagues, employees and supervisors on a humorous note, he agreed to have his famous moustache, which he had been proudly wearing since he was 18 years old, shaved off. Obviously, this was quite an event and it had to be done with all necessary ceremony (see photos)
November 9, 2013 – First edition of the Walk PROCURE for the St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Special thanks to the organizing committee, their partners and sponsors.
November 7, 2013 – The Brasserie Rachel Rachel has held an event to bring awareness about prostate cancer. During the evening, they have raised over $1,950 for PROCURE. Thank you to Brasserie Rachel Rachel teams, and a special thank you to Cindy Simard and Stéphane Pilon. (See the photos)
September 14-15, 2013 – Warm congratulations to Femmes de Course who ran the 251 km belt afrounf around the Lac Saint Jean Their event was a real success as they raised an impressive amount of $17,715 for PROCURE.
May 15 to October 15, 2013 – In addition to discovering 80 golf courses in Quebec, the Celebrity Golf Tour mission is to raise prostate cancer awareness with the support of PROCURE and Jean Pagé, a spokesperson and personality well known in Québec in the field of Radio and television sports media. Each day on the grounds visited, players will receive relevant documentation on the subject in order to be better informed about the disease. Thanks to Luc Dupont-Hébert, President of Multi Concepts Media for his commitment to PROCURE and his extraordinary involvement in raising men’s awareness of prostate cancer.
July 6, 2013 – The 4th edition of the # OuiStampede, a western celebration full of country fun held every July in Montreal, raised $2780 in support of the fight against prostate cancer. We would like to thank Clare McWilliams and her husband Kerry for their initiatives and support for PROCURE.
June 6, 2013 – Many thanks to Dave Harris for his $526 fundraiser with Le tour de Victoriaville.
March 13 to 16, 2013 – Thanks to John Abbott College for its support during the ACSC in March 2013. From March 13th to March 16th, John Abbott College hosted the Men’s Basketball Championship – CCAA. We would like to thank John Abbott College for supporting PROCURE and the prostate cancer cause during this event. Have a look at their video
En bref
Votre fertilité et fécondation naturelle
- Elle produit… un liquide prostatique riche en enzymes, protéines et minéraux qui nourrit et protège vos spermatozoïdes
- Elle fabrique… une protéine (APS) qui sert à liquéfier votre sperme afin de faciliter la mobilité des vos spermatozoïdes
- Elle permet… l’éjaculation en se contractant
- Elle favorise… la fécondité de par ses enzymes facilitant la pénétration des spermatozoïdes à travers le col utérin
- Elle ne participe pas au mécanisme de l’érection. Par conséquent, l’origine du dysfonctionnement érectile se situe ailleurs
Plus en détails
Fonction exocrine
La prostate se compose de milliers de minuscules glandes. Plus particulièrement, la prostate est une glande exocrine. Les glandes exocrines portent ce nom parce qu’elles sécrètent des liquides qui transitent par des canaux débouchant vers l’extérieur du corps (ou dans une cavité qui communique avec l’extérieur). Les glandes sudoripares constituent un autre exemple de glandes exocrines.
Le liquide produit par la prostate s’intègre au sperme, c’est-à-dire au liquide séminal qui transporte les spermatozoïdes pendant l’éjaculation. Le liquide élaboré dans la prostate est conservé avec le sperme dans les vésicules séminales. À l’orgasme, des contractions musculaires amènent la prostate à sécréter ce liquide dans l’urètre, d’où il est expulsé du corps par l’intermédiaire du pénis.
Écoulement de l’urine
La prostate entoure l’urètre dans son trajet de la vessie au pénis. Les changements au niveau de la prostate (voir l’HBP) peuvent avoir des répercussions sur l’écoulement de l’urine. En effet, l’augmentation de la taille de la prostate ou de son tonus musculaire peut entraver l’écoulement de l’urine, de par l’intime relation anatomique qui existe entre l’urètre et la prostate.
Antigène prostatique spécifique (APS)
De plus, la prostate produit une protéine appelée antigène prostatique spécifique (APS) (les acronymes ASP et PSA sont aussi utilisés pour désigner l’antigène prostatique spécifique). L’APS est libéré avec l’éjaculation et se retrouve aussi dans le sang. L’analyse des concentrations d’APS dans le sang sert à déceler le cancer de la prostate. Il se mesure en nanogrammes par millilitre.
Un taux élevé d’APS
Habituellement, on juge normal un taux d’APS qui affiche moins de 4 nanogrammes par millilitre de sang, mais l’âge doit être prit en considération aussi, l’APS augmentant graduellement de façon normale avec l’âge. Une élévation de la concentration d’APS peut indiquer la présence:
- d’une hypertrophie bénigne de la prostate
- d’une prostatite: une infection de la prostate
- d’un cancer de la prostate
Votre spécialiste vous fera passer les tests appropriés pour déterminer la cause exacte de l’augmentation de votre taux d’APS.
Nous sommes là pour vous
Vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations? Surtout, n’hésitez pas. Contactez-nous au 1 855 899-2873 pour discuter avec un de nos professionnels de la santé spécialisés en uro-oncologie. Ils sont là pour écouter, soutenir et répondre à vos questions, celles de votre famille ou de vos proches. C’est simple et gratuit, comme tous nos services d’ailleurs.
Prenez également le temps nécessaire pour consulter chacune de nos pages sur ce site Web, de même que notre chaîne YouTube, question de vous familiariser avec la maladie, nos conférences et nos webinaires animés par des experts, les ressources disponibles, le soutien qui vous est offert, nos événements et les façons de vous impliquer pour faire avancer la cause.
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Nouvelles de PROCURE qui pourraient vous intéresser
Chaque semaine, nous publions un article blogue. En voici quelques-uns pour vous.
En bref
Votre fertilité et fécondation naturelle
- Elle produit… un liquide prostatique riche en enzymes, protéines et minéraux qui nourrit et protège vos spermatozoïdes
- Elle fabrique… une protéine (APS) qui sert à liquéfier votre sperme afin de faciliter la mobilité des vos spermatozoïdes
- Elle permet… l’éjaculation en se contractant
- Elle favorise… la fécondité de par ses enzymes facilitant la pénétration des spermatozoïdes à travers le col utérin
- Elle ne participe pas au mécanisme de l’érection. Par conséquent, l’origine du dysfonctionnement érectile se situe ailleurs
Plus en détails
Fonction exocrine
La prostate se compose de milliers de minuscules glandes. Plus particulièrement, la prostate est une glande exocrine. Les glandes exocrines portent ce nom parce qu’elles sécrètent des liquides qui transitent par des canaux débouchant vers l’extérieur du corps (ou dans une cavité qui communique avec l’extérieur). Les glandes sudoripares constituent un autre exemple de glandes exocrines.
Le liquide produit par la prostate s’intègre au sperme, c’est-à-dire au liquide séminal qui transporte les spermatozoïdes pendant l’éjaculation. Le liquide élaboré dans la prostate est conservé avec le sperme dans les vésicules séminales. À l’orgasme, des contractions musculaires amènent la prostate à sécréter ce liquide dans l’urètre, d’où il est expulsé du corps par l’intermédiaire du pénis.
Écoulement de l’urine
La prostate entoure l’urètre dans son trajet de la vessie au pénis. Les changements au niveau de la prostate (voir l’HBP) peuvent avoir des répercussions sur l’écoulement de l’urine. En effet, l’augmentation de la taille de la prostate ou de son tonus musculaire peut entraver l’écoulement de l’urine, de par l’intime relation anatomique qui existe entre l’urètre et la prostate.
Antigène prostatique spécifique (APS)
De plus, la prostate produit une protéine appelée antigène prostatique spécifique (APS) (les acronymes ASP et PSA sont aussi utilisés pour désigner l’antigène prostatique spécifique). L’APS est libéré avec l’éjaculation et se retrouve aussi dans le sang. L’analyse des concentrations d’APS dans le sang sert à déceler le cancer de la prostate. Il se mesure en nanogrammes par millilitre.
Un taux élevé d’APS
Habituellement, on juge normal un taux d’APS qui affiche moins de 4 nanogrammes par millilitre de sang, mais l’âge doit être prit en considération aussi, l’APS augmentant graduellement de façon normale avec l’âge. Une élévation de la concentration d’APS peut indiquer la présence:
- d’une hypertrophie bénigne de la prostate
- d’une prostatite: une infection de la prostate
- d’un cancer de la prostate
Votre spécialiste vous fera passer les tests appropriés pour déterminer la cause exacte de l’augmentation de votre taux d’APS.
Nous sommes là pour vous
Vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations? Surtout, n’hésitez pas. Contactez-nous au 1 855 899-2873 pour discuter avec un de nos professionnels de la santé spécialisés en uro-oncologie. Ils sont là pour écouter, soutenir et répondre à vos questions, celles de votre famille ou de vos proches. C’est simple et gratuit, comme tous nos services d’ailleurs.
Prenez également le temps nécessaire pour consulter chacune de nos pages sur ce site Web, de même que notre chaîne YouTube, question de vous familiariser avec la maladie, nos conférences et nos webinaires animés par des experts, les ressources disponibles, le soutien qui vous est offert, nos événements et les façons de vous impliquer pour faire avancer la cause.
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Pages de notre site qui pourraient vous intéresser
Vous voulez en savoir davantage? Vous n’avez qu’à cliquer sur un des liens ci-dessous.
Nouvelles de PROCURE qui pourraient vous intéresser
Chaque semaine, nous publions un article blogue. En voici quelques-uns pour vous.
Notre comité de validation de nos pages Web
Notre équipe est composée d’urologues et d’infirmières certifiées en uro-oncologie ayant une connaissance approfondie du cancer de la prostate, de même que les maladies liées à l’appareil génito-urinaire. Voir nos collaborateurs en cliquant ici.
Sources et références
Dernière révision médicale et éditoriale: août 2019
Rédigé par PROCURE. © Tous droits réservés – 2019
Third Party Events
Third Party Events
Third party events are organized by women and men – ambassadors – dedicated to the cause of prostate cancer and committed to support PROCURE. We greatly appreciate your support and generosity of all your initiatives. Below is the list of all the initiatives from our various ambassadors and friends that have occurred to date.

Golf Victoriaville
Thanks to the involvement of Michel Blais, Jerry Seguin, and André Dandenault, PROCURE was able to participate in the PRO-AM Golf Tournament at the prestigious Victoriaville golf course, raising $5,000 for the cause.
Golf Carling Lake
Through the initiative of Luc Dupont Hébert, a man deeply committed to the cause, we participated in the Quebec Golf Course Owners Association tournament
The company LKQ supports PROCURE through its annual golf tournament. In 2021, due to the absence of the tournament, they purchased 300 BBQ boxes in support of PROCURE. This invaluable support was made possible thanks to the involvement of their management team.November 23, 2019 – AN INSPIRING ANNUAL EVENT
The 11th edition of the Sherbrooke Benefit Breakfast, which welcomed over 180 people on November 23, 2019, was a great success, raising $30,373 for PROCURE. A big round of applause and thanks to the 180 participants and the guest speaker Simon DuBois, a Sherbrooke native who participated in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.
A special thanks to Elsie Morneau, our outstanding ambassador who organized this 11th edition, and to the volunteers who make this event a true success year after year.

September 7, 2019 – GREG MESSIER OPEN
On Saturday, September 7, 2019, 190 players teed off at the Greg Messier Open at the International 2000 Golf Club in Lacolle. A huge thank you to Jerry Messier and Greg’s family for all the organization, as well as to the participants and partners who helped raise $22,000 for PROCURE.

7 juin 2019 – OMNIUM JEAN-PAGÉ
Formerly known as the LKQ Golf Tournament, the event was renamed the Jean-Pagé Open in 2019 in honor of Jean Pagé, an Emeritus Ambassador of PROCURE. The weather could not have been more favorable on Friday, June 7, in Saint-Hyacinthe for this edition of the golf tournament organized by longtime partners LKQ and 3M. The tournament was fully booked, as was the closing dinner, resulting in a record amount of $73,000 raised for PROCURE. This success was made possible by the incredible dedication of Sylvain Lavallée and his wife Manon, as well as Luc Dupont Hébert.

The 2nd edition of the Bruce Morrison Open at the Venise Golf Club took place on Wednesday, June 5, and the initial goal of $10,000 was far exceeded. In the end, all the players who participated in the tournament, followed by the dinner and evening auction, helped raise over $15,000 to support prostate cancer research. A huge thank you to the organizing committee led by Bruce Morrison, with Carol Duquette, Jacques Dufresne, Denis Lefebvre, and Sylvain Chabot.

Once again this year, barber Jason Massa Barbier participated in Noeudvembre by organizing a 5@7 event at his Salon, Lexa. Nearly $1,000 was raised to support the fight against prostate cancer. Thank you very much to him for his continued support of the PROCURE cause year after year.
The 5th edition of the Vrai Défi de la Glace, organized for the benefit of PROCURE by Denis Petitclerc, was again a huge success this year. Thanks to the 44 participants at the Complexe Sportif Thibault GM, $2,035 was raised to support the 12 men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer every day in Quebec.

The 10th edition of the Sherbrooke Benefit Breakfast welcomed over 250 people on Friday, November 23, at the Delta Hotel in Sherbrooke. Under the honorary presidency of Mr. Jocelyn Thibault, this annual event, featuring an inspiring talk by Caroline Ouellette, raised $31,145. A huge thank you to the organization of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Sherbrooke (CHUS), the UNIS CONTRE LE CANCER DE LA PROSTATE committee, and the volunteers who make this event a real success year after year.

More than 400 people gathered at the Hôtel Place d’Armes for this 6th edition of the Bow Tie Affair. During this benefit evening, $125,000 was raised for prostate cancer research in Quebec and to support the 12 Quebec men who receive a diagnosis every day. A huge thank you to our guests, ambassadors, and partners for making this evening a true success.

For the 7th year, the Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where it Hurts benefit dinner, entirely student-run, delivered on all fronts on Saturday night in Laval, with a record 168 guests in attendance! Thanks to the organizing committee and the generous contributions of participants, $13,440 was raised to fight prostate cancer.
A huge thank you to the team behind the organization: Gabrielle Hornstein, Maria Angurias, Susie Saltarelli, Eleni Karatzas, Nick Karatzas, and Christos Karatzas.

Thank you to the Quebec Remparts, Chicoutimi Saguenéens, Blainville-Boisbriand Armada, and Sherbrooke Phoenix, as well as their fans, for their warm welcome and support of the PROCURE cause during our annual Noeudvembre campaign. This year, the coaches wore the bow tie along with the mascots, and the campaign was promoted on the teams’ websites, social media, jumbotrons, and more.

A big thank you to the MAA Sports Club for allowing us to organize this first edition of the PROCURE Celebrity Spin presented by Bicycles Quilicot! Over 250 participants joined us throughout the day to ride with our 15 celebrities, raising $18,000 to support prostate cancer research.
Thank you all for your presence, smiles, and energy!
We’ll see you in 2019!

On Sunday, August 26, 2018, the 1st edition of the softball tournament organized by Broken7 in collaboration with the Rosemont Softball League was held in support of PROCURE. Around forty players participated in this event, raising nearly $1,000 to support prostate cancer research.

The 6th edition of the Greg Messier Open raised $20,000 to support research and fight against prostate cancer. A huge thank you to organizer Jerry Messier and his committee, the 12 volunteers who attended the event, and the employees and owners of the International 2000 Golf Club.
Save the date: September 10, 2019, for the 7th edition.

The LKQ Pintendre Auto Corporation Annual Golf Tournament, with 212 guests and 144 players, set a new record on June 15 during the 26th annual tournament, raising a total of $62,000, all of which will be donated to PROCURE to fight prostate cancer. A huge thank you to Sylvain Lavallée, Business Development Director at LKQ, and Luc Dupont Hébert for their commitment to the cause.

A new fundraising event for PROCURE was launched this spring: the Magog Golf Tournament, held at the Venise Golf Club. The initial goal of $5,000 was far exceeded, with a total of $10,000 raised to support prostate cancer research. A huge thank you to the organizing committee led by Bruce Morisson, with Carol Duquette, Jacques Dufresne, Denis Lefebvre, and Sylvain Chabot.
Save the date: June 5, 2019, for the 2nd edition.

November 29, 2017 – Thank you Quebec Remparts
A big thank you to the Quebec Remparts for their invitation to present the game against the Gatineau Olympiques on November 29th. It was a real pleasure to take the puck and see the mascot, the coaches and the staff proudly wearing the PROCURE bow tie.

November 23, 2017 -The Bow Tie Affair breaks all records
More than 600 participants gathered at the William Gray Hotel for one of Montreal’s trendiest events, the Bow Tie Affair. During this benefit evening, $150,000 was raised for research in Quebec and to support people affected by prostate cancer. A huge thank you to the Antonopoulos Group who made the realization of this wonderful 2017 edition possible!

November 19, 2017 – Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer delivers big with over $10,000 raised
Thanks to the organizing committee and the generous contributions of the participants in the fight against prostate cancer, the 6th edition of the magnificent fundraising dinner, entirely run by students, was a success. Under the theme Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts, $10,000 was donated to PROCURE. A huge thank you to the organizers Nicolaos Karatzas, Christos Karatzas, Eleni Karatzas, Maria Angurias, Susie Saltarelli and Gabrielle Hornstein for their involvement and superb work.

November 4, 2017 – The Saguenéens de Chicoutimi mobilize for the cause
Thanks to the Saguenéens de Chicoutimi for their new involvement in PROCURE. The coaches and the mascot wore the bow tie and throughout the evening, the promotion of the beautiful garment and of Bowvember were put forward by the animator. These are gestures that make a difference for PROCURE. Thank you also to the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League for its invaluable support for the cause.

October 27, 2017 – Sherbrooke fundraising breakfast breaks all records
More than 250 people attended the morning meeting on October 27 in Sherbrooke. Under the honorary presidency of Mr. Jacques Fortier, this annual meeting, animated by an inspiring conference by mountaineer Gabriel Filippi, raised $28,630.
A huge thank you to the organization of the CHUS, UNIS CONTRE LE CANCER DE LA PROSTATE and the volunteers who make this event a real success year after year.

October 24, 2017 – LKQ presents the fruits of its golf tournament during PROCURE’s Board Meeting
It was before the members of the PROCURE Board of Directors that the check for the 25th LKQ Pintendre Auto Corporation Golf Tournament was presented. Remember that under the honorary presidency of Sylvain Lavallée, accompanied by his faithful accomplice Luc Dupont Hébert, this tournament, which took place on June 16, raised $37,505 for the cause. Thank you for this wonderful mark of confidence and support for Quebecers affected by this disease and PROCURE.

October 22, 2017 – Meet the dynamic Real Ice Challengers
2,662 THANKS to the participants of the 4th edition of the Real Ice Challenge organized for the benefit of PROCURE by Denis Petitclerc, one of PROCURE’s great ambassador. Thanks also to Stephen Cabana and Jocelyn Thibault for their precious generosity. Without the contribution of the Thibault GM Sports Complex valued at approximately $745, this charitable activity would not have had the same scope.

October 21, 2017 – The first of the Og-Tober Fat was a real success
A big thank you to the organization that raised, through registration and donations, the round sum of $2,200 for PROCURE. Line and Gilbert are already looking forward to seeing you next year to discover the beautiful Ogden Trail, a mix of singletrack and logging roads, on 130 acres of private land. A true breath of fresh air for you in 2018!

October 20, 2017 – The CMEQ mobilizes for men and their loved ones
25,000 times THANK YOU to the Corporation of Master Electricians of Quebec for its exceptional involvement in PROCURE this year. A check for $25,000 was presented at their 67th Annual Members’ Meeting in Montebello by Mr. Gagnon, an electrician and prostate cancer survivor. A great achievement for a cause close to their hearts, paired with a vibrant testimony.

June 24, 2017 – A great edition for the André Guay Open
A memorable day for a good cause, the 2nd edition of the André Guay Open at the 2000 International Golf Club included brunch, golf, cart, dinner show and fireworks. A memorable day and evening that raised $7,000 for the fight against prostate cancer. A warm thank you to the organizing committee and all golfers for their support to PROCURE.

June 16, 2017 – 25 years of golf and prestige for LKQ
It was at the 2000 International Golf Club that LKQ Pintendre Auto’s Associates, collaborators, and partners gathered together for their prestigious annual golf tournament for the benefit of PROCURE. Under the honorary president Sylvain Lavallée, the 25th edition of this tournament raised $37,000 for the cause! Congratulations to Sylvain Lavallée, LKQ partners, PH Vitres and 3M, and to all the golfers for their participation in this successful fundraiser event. Thank you for this beautiful mark of confidence and support for Quebecers affected by this prostate cancer and for PROCURE.

June 1, 2017 – The CMEQ at the rendez-vous for PROCURE
Golf Club Elm Ridge (Île Bizard) was the venue for the golf tournament presented by five sections of the CMEQ (Corporation of Master Electricians of Quebec), allowing members of the Lanaudière, Laurentides, Longueuil / Sorel, Montreal and Valleyfield regions to socialize, network and raise funds for PROCURE. A huge thank you to the organizing committee, the many partners and all the golfers for their participation in this fundraising event that raised $12,000 for the fight against prostate cancer.

May 16, 2017 – Gestures that make a difference
Thanks to the officers and members of Council 1813 of the Knights of Columbus of Saint-Eustache for choosing, among others, PROCURE and prostate cancer as a cause for their 2016-2017 campaign charitable work. As a result, $600 was raised for PROCURE and the fight against prostate cancer. Thank you once again for your précious generosity.

November 2016 – Pfizer employees committed to fight cancer
A big thank you to Pfizer employees, who throughout the month of November, have been involved in raising funds for PROCURE. The internal bow ties and cupcake sales, coupled with an original cyclothon between colleagues, raised more than $ 4,800 for the fight against prostate cancer. Thank you, Pfizer, for these wonderful initiatives and for supporting Quebecers affected by this disease.

November 30, 2016 – 3 Brewers mobilizes for PROCURE
Congratulations to 3 Brewers Canada for organizing a Charity evening to raise funds for PROCURE on November 30, including creating a fabulous tasty beer for the occasion, the PROSTACHE. Indeed, the generosity of all participants and partners helped raise $20,000 for the fight against prostate cancer. A big thank you to all for a great initiative as well as their support and dedication.

November 19, 2016 – Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts
Thanks to the organizing committee and the generous contributions from all participants, the 5th edition of the magnificent annual fundraising dinner event was quite successful. Under the theme Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts, the event, run entirely by students, raised $8,895 for the cause. A huge thank you to the organizers Nicolaos Karatzas, Christos Karatzas, Maria Angurias, Susie Saltarelli, Gabrielle Hornstein for their involvement and their exceptional work.

November 3, 2016 – The Bow Tie Affair: A trendy event!
More than 400 people attended the annual Bow Tie Affair fundraising event hosted by the Antonopoulos Group at Hôtel William Grey in downtown Montreal on November 3. This chic happening helped raise $80,000 to support PROCURE’s mission. A huge thank you to the Antonopoulos Group, the event organizers, the sponsors and the participants for a wonderful evening. Unable to attend? You will have another chance in 2017!

October 28, 2016 – A Winning Mind with Pierre Vercheval
Over 150 people attended the benefit breakfast organized by UNITED AGAINST PROSTATE CANCER under the patronage of Mr. Pierre Vercheval, the first Francophone inducted into the Canadian Football Hall of Fame and now a football analyst at RDS. Held on October 28, this event raised over $20,843. Thank you to the organizing committee and volunteers who make his event a success year after year.

September 25, 2016 – Kudos to Yanic Parent for his achievement
Kudos to Yanic Parent who participated in the 42 km Marathon which took place in Montreal on Sunday, September 25, and who helped raise $1,275 for the fight against prostate cancer. A big thank you to our runner for this superb fundraising as well as a remarkable race for the cause, and to his donors for their valuable support.

September 24, 2016 – Thanks to the Real Ice Challengers
Congratulations and thanks to Denis Petitclerc, and to the 44 players from the HockeyOver45 players, the Waterloo League and the Hockey Trente of Sherbrooke who took the Real Ice Challenge in the fight against prostate cancer. By meeting this challenge, $2 993 was raised for PROCURE.A huge thank you to Jocelyn Thibault, Stephen Cabana and staff of the complex sports Thibault GM for generously giving ice time to this charitable activity. And a special thanks to Pierre D’Amour, Yvan Juneau, the goalkeepers, referees, timekeeper, photographer and fans who made this activity a great sporting success.

September 9 – 10, 2016 – Kudos to Femmes de course!
Thanks to the kind-hearted women who have taken up the challenge of running the 250 km that surround the Lac-Saint-Jean. Their determination made it possible to raise a total of $50,000, including $25,000 for the fight against prostate cancer. A huge thank you to organizers Denise and Diane Marcoux, and to all volunteers for this 6th edition of the Tour du Lac, a unique event of its kind. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of all those affected by prostate cancer.

June 17, 2016 – Thank you LKQ Pintendre Auto
Associates, collaborators, and partners of LKQ Pintendre Auto gathered together for a golf tournament at the magnificent Club de Golf Beloeil to benefit PROCURE. Organized by Multi Concepts Média’s Luc Dupont-Hébert with Sylvain Lavallée as honorary president, the 24th edition of the LKQ Pintendre Auto golf tournament raised $22,000 for the prostate cancer cause. A big thank you to Sylvain Lavallée, the LKP partners, and all the golfers for their participation in this fundraiser.

June 2, 2016 – A great golf tournament by the CMEQ
It is at the beautiful Elm Ridge Club that partners and golfers got together for the golf tournament organized by the Corporation des maîtres électriciens du Québec (CMEQ) to benefit PROCURE. Organized on June 2, the event helped raise $10,000 for the cause. A huge thank you to the Organizing Committee, composed of representatives from the Lanaudière, Laurentides, Longueuil/Sorel, Montréal and Valleyfield regions: Patrick Alder (LN), Karl Ruel (LN), Denis Lajeunesse (LA) Daniel Sarrazin (LA), Luc Mercier (LS), Brian Gordon (MO), Daniel Mercier (MO) and Bruno Landry (VA). Thank you to all participants in making this fundraiser event a success.

May 24, 2016 – Thanks to the Knights of Columbus
Thanks to the officers and members of Council 1813 of the Knights of Columbus of Saint-Eustache for choosing, among others, PROCURE and prostate cancer as a cause for their 2015-2016 campaign charitable works. As a result, $500 was raised for PROCURE. Thank you once again for your generosity.

April 19, 2016 – A great cocktail by les Éleveurs de dindon
A huge thank you to les Éleveurs de dindon du Québec for their generosity towards the cause of prostate cancer. A benefit cocktail party organized on April 19 raised $19,193 in support of PROCURE. Hosted by Mr. Jean Pagé, spokesperson for PROCURE, the evening, rich in emotions, was attended by 275 people, all gathered for the cause.

April 15, 2016 – Thanks to LOCWELD for their fundraising
A big thank you to the LOCWELD workers union who, on April 15, handed the tidy sum of $5,000 to PROCURE. Indeed, the Candiac plant which has 163 unionized employees, predominantly male, chose the cause of prostate cancer for their fundraising event. Thank you for this beautiful gesture and for your support to Quebeckers affected by this disease.
December 12, 2015 – Full house at Dundees first edition of the Magical Musical Evening
Hosted by actor and founder of Strangers in the Night, Larry Day, the musical evening was an amazing opportunity to help fight prostate cancer, eat, receive musical gifts from many of the artists, and witness the historic talents of the main act: Jerry Mercer and Gary Moffet from April Wine fame and Breen LeBoeuf, sideman with the legendary Gerry Boulet, from famous Offenbach. Thanks to Rick Keene from RickKeeneMusicScene and to Peter Kandiolotis, owner of Dundees, the event raised more than $1,750 for the cause.
November 28, 2015 –Party Lottery and Bow Tie for the cause
Thanks to the elegant charity evening organized by Maxime and Anthony Ligot at the North End -Oyster Bar, the amount of $1,123 was raised to advance our fight against prostate cancer. A big thank you for your support and your energy! See the event photos here
November 27, 2015 – The Quebec Junior Hockey League supports the cause
Thank you to Mr. Marino Fabbri, hockey team president of the Cobras de Terrebonne and to the Mayor of Terrebonne, Mr. Jean-Marc Robitaille, for their support in the fight against prostate cancer during the month of November. Also, thanks to the Quebec Junior Hockey League teams, the exceptional hockey players as well as the hockey fans for their support to the cause, allowing to raise the sum of $6,400. Thank you for this solidarity towards men and their families.
November 26, 2015 – The Kev & Max Challenge 2015 to benefit PROCURE
The Kev & Max Challenge 2015 succeeded once more its fundraising campaign to benefit of PROCURE in November. Indeed, a bow tie sale, combined with a ticket draw to attend the NHL Winter Classic Hockey Game on January 1, 2016, helped raise $9,570 for the cause. Congratulations and thanks to the organizers Kevin Doucette and Maxime Rodrigue as well as to all participants in the Challenge.
November 21, 2015 – Soccer Tournament by KAN Football Club for the cause
Over 40 soccer players from six teams rallied to the cause by participating in a soccer tournament organized by Kan Football Club (Kan FC). A big thank you to all players and participating teams and to Sydney Fowo, Réginald Joseph and Sofiane Benzaza for their involvement in organizing this event, which raised $500 for the cause.
November 19, 2015 – When students are involved, the result is very impressive!
Wearing civilian clothes in exchange for donations allowed students of Collège Nouvelles Frontières collect donations totaling $ 2,200 on November 19. A huge thank you to Véronique Lapointe and all Student Board Members for this beautiful gesture.
November 17, 2015 – The FMSS fashion show supports the cause
Thank you to the Sherbrooke University Medical Faculty for a wonderful evening of haute couture. Under the theme Locally vogue, part of the fashion show proceeds were shared with PROCURE. Thanks to the organizers Gabrielle Patenaude and Chloé St-Pierre for their superb work.
November 13, 2015 – Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts
Thanks to the organizing committee and the generous contributions from all participants, the fundraising dinner event was quite successful. Under the theme Let’s Kick Prostate Cancer Where It Hurts, the event, run entirely by students, raised $6,470 for the cause. A huge thank you to the organizers Niko and Christo Karatzas, Maria Angurias, Susie Saltarelli and Gaby Hornstein for their involvement and their exceptional work.
November 12, 2015 – The Bow Tie Affair: A trendy event!
More than 300 people attended the annual Bow Tie Affair fundraising event hosted by the Antonopoulos Group at Hôtel Nelligan in downtown Montreal on November 12, 2015. This chic happening helped raise close to $ 57,000 to support PROCURE’s mission. A huge thank you to the Antonopoulos Group, the event organizers, the sponsors and the participants for a wonderful evening. Unable to attend? You will have another chance in 2016! See the event photos here
November 12, 2015 – The BartCoaching team mobilizes for PROCURE
Congratulations to the BartCoaching team, their partners and the Broken7 brewer for organizing a lottery to raise funds for PROCURE on November 12. Indeed, the generosity of all participants and partners helped raise more than $1,700 for the cause. A big thank you to Bart Rolet and to the Broken7 team for their support and dedication.
November 7, 2015 – A wine and cheese tasting and a silent auction of art works for a good cause
Thanks to the staff and students of the Charlotte-Tassé Professional Training Centre for organizing a wine and cheese tasting and a silent auction of art works by artists and sculptors of international reputation for the benefit of PROCURE. The event, held on November 7, and appreciated by all participants, raised $1,000 for the cause.
November 4, 2015 – The HELM’s Happy Hour Event for PROCURE
A big thank you to the HELM microbrewery for the organization of a happy hour fundraising event on November 4, which helped raise $500 for the cause.
November 1, 2015 – I walk for PROCURE
Walkers and runners gathered on November 1 as part of I Walk for PROCURE in the historic Saint-Jean area. The 3rd edition of the Walk raised $1,690 for PROCURE. A huge thank you, once more, to Pierre Lussier from Kinatex and to André Vidal from Promotion Choc, for this great event in support of our fight against prostate cancer.
October 30, 2015 – One Rowing Stroke at A Time with Mylène Paquette
Over 168 people attended the benefit breakfast organized by UNITED AGAINST PROSTATE CANCER under the patronage of Mr. Denis Bourque, owner of the Sherbrooke and Lac-Mégantic Tim Hortons. Held on October 30, this event raised over $35,330. Thank you to the organizing committee and volunteers who make his event a success year after year.
October 7, 2015 – Montreal Canadiens v. Maple Leafs NHL: A memorable return
The return of the hockey season was a great opportunity for PROCURE and Broken7 brewer to raise funds during a memorable hockey evening at the Bière Brisset Brewery on October 7. Thanks to Stéphane Pilon and Pol Brisset, $500 was raised for the cause during the evening.
September 26, 2015 – The first stylish ride for Gentleman
The first ride for motorcyclists whose goal was to raise funds for PROCURE took place on September 26, 2015. Inspired by the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride event, more than 60 riders, dressed in a jacket and a bow tie, traveled 130 km and raised $1,000 for the cause. Thanks to all the participants and the organizers of this great event, which will return in 2016. See the event photos here
September 19, 2015 – The Real Ice Challenge
On September 19, 2015, ‘Hockeyover45’ took part again in the Real Ice Challenge for the fight against prostate cancer. By meeting this challenge, they raised $ 2,370 for PROCURE. A huge thank you to all 22 players from the Eastern Township who made this activity a success. And to Jocelyn Thibault, thank you for so generously giving us the ice time needed for this volunteer activity at the Complexe Sportif GM Thibault of Sherbrooke.
September 11-12, 2015 – Outstanding women!
Last September, fifty outstanding women ran the 250 km that surrounds the Lac-Saint-Jean, and raised a total amount of $49 500, including $24,750 for the fight against prostate cancer. A huge thank you to the organizers Denise and Diane Marcoux, and to the volunteers for this 4th edition of Les Femmes de course, a unique event of its kind.
June 21, 2015 – Congratulations to Murielle Lapierre, who amassed the largest amount of money for the PROCURE Walk of Courage 2015. Indeed, Murielle, whose spouse is suffering from prostate cancer, has succeeded in raising over $2,000 for the cause.
June 21, 2015 – Thanks to Ian McJannet and his family, who participate in the last five editions of the PROCURE Walk of Courage, in memory of his father Bill, who died of prostate cancer. M. McJannet argues that the Walk of Courage is one of the best ways to raise awareness of prostate cancer issues. This year, he has donated over $1,000 to PROCURE for the cause.
June 21, 2015 – Thanks to Shannon and Pearl Wilensky who, for more than five years, have been promoting the Walk of Courage in their restaurant, the infamous Wilensky’s Light Lunch and raising funds for the cause. This year, the Moe’s Pros team amassed the tidy sum of $1, 850. Thank you once again for your generous contribution.
June 20, 2015 – In memory of her two grandfathers, one of whom died of prostate cancer, Anna Mihaltchev participated in the Alaskan marathon on June 20, thus turning her dream into reality, in addition to contributing to the fight against prostate cancer. Anna amassed over $5,000 for the cause. Congratulations for this wonderful gesture Anna!
June 12, 2015 – Associates, employees and partners of LKQ Pintendre Auto got together at the beautiful Beloeil Golf Club for a tournament to benefit PROCURE. Organized by Luc Dupont-Hébert of Multi Concepts Médias, with Sylvain Lavallée as honorary president, the 23rd edition of this tournament raised over $22,000 for the cause. A big thank you to Sylvain Lavallée, to LKQ partners, 3M et PH Vitres d’autos, and to all participants.
June 11, 2015 – Thanks to Zone spa Sora from St-Bruno de Montarville, who decided to associate with causes that matter to them. Each month, they select a care and redistribute an amount raised by this treatment to a specific Foundation. Thank you for choosing our organization for the months of April and November.
June 6, 2015 – Thanks to Véronique Marques, who organized a fund-raising tribute for her recently deceased uncle from prostate cancer. The event raised a total of $1,265. Warm thanks for supporting PROCURE and the cause.
May 30, 2015 – Brossard Chevrolet held the largest gathering of Corvettes in Quebec, with more than 182 owners-exhibitors of these racing cars, 400 visitors, including our spokesman Jean Pagé and Bertrand Godin, a former racing driver. Thanks to the owners, Gabriel Dallaire and Monic Bédard, who donated $2 000, an amount equally shared between PROCURE and the Fondation du cancer du sein du Québec. With all this success, a second edition will be held on Saturday, May 28, 2016.
May 20, 2015 – Thanks to the officers and members of Council 1813 of the Knights of Columbus of Saint-Eustache for choosing, among others, PROCURE and prostate cancer as a cause for their 2014-2015 campaign charitable works. As a result, $700 was raised for PROCURE. Thank you once again for your generosity.
May 17, 2015 – In addition to success on the track, the new challenge JUST BET / PROCURE by CFMOTO was truly popular. With many participants joining CFMOTO and ten (10) side by side ZFORCE 800 drivers, $225 was raised to support PROCURE in its fight against prostate cancer. Thanks to Piero Manzini and his team for this superb event.
April 17, 2015 – Thank you to les Éleveurs de dindon du Québec for their generosity to PROCURE and the cause of prostate cancer. Their benefit cocktail party raised closed to $20,000, an amount equally shared between PROCURE and l’Auberge du cœur Roland-Gauvreau from Joliette. Hosted by PROCURE spokesman Jean Pagé, this emotion-filled event was attended by about 225 people in support of both causes.
April 11, 2015 – The organization Man of Heart has awarded more than $500 to PROCURE, sums raised as part of a special day dedicated to men’s health on April 11. Thanks to Luc Lacroix for choosing PROCURE and the cause of prostate cancer for your fundraising event.
November 28, 2014 – At the issue of the CASCADES 2014 MOUSTACHE CHALLENGE fundraising campaign that took place November 3 to 28, Sylvain Bernier, Kevin Doucette and Maxime Rodriguez handed over the tidy sum of $10,000 to PROCURE. The KEV & MAX CHALLENGE raised $8,000, while the ultramarathon runner Sylvain Bernier raised over $2,000 for PROCURE thanks to a fundraising race. Congratulations to our three Cascades Ambassadors and thanks to all who took part in this successful campaign!
November 13, 2014 – Close to 200 people attended the annual Bow Tie Affair fundraising event hosted by Antonopoulos Group at Hôtel Nelligan in downtown Montréal. This trendy event raised $30,000 for PROCURE. A huge thank you to Antonopoulos Group, the event organizers, their partners and the sponsors for a wonderful evening. Unable to attend? You will have another chance in 2015!
November 2, 2014 – More than 90 walkers and runners gathered as part of I Walk for PROCURE in the historic Saint-Jean area. Under the patronage of Jacques Duval, with PROCURE spokesman Jean Pagé, the 2nd edition of the Walk raised over $3,650 for PROCURE. Thank you to organizers Pierre Lussier and Andre Vidal for this great event, which will return on November 1, 2015.
October 31, 2014 – Breakfast with Pierre Lavoie – Over 100 people attended the benefit breakfast organized by United Against Prostate Cancer under the patronage of Alain LeMayre, CEO of Cascades. Held on October 31, this event raised over $27,000! A big thank you to the organizing committee and volunteers who made this success possible.
September 6, 2014 – The Real Ice Challenge – ‘Hockeyover45’ took part for the first time in the Real Ice Challenge for the fight against prostate cancer. By meeting this challenge, we raised $ 2,552 for PROCURE. A special thank you to Steve Stickles, Claude Leclair and André Deboer for making this event a reality. Another special thank you to the leaders of the Belley company for theirgenerous contribution. A huge thank you to all 22 players from the Eastern Township who sweated profusely tomake this activity a sporting and financial success for this cause. And finally, to Jocelyn Thibault, thank you from all of us for so generously giving us the ice time needed for this volunteer activity at the Complexe Sportif GMThibault of Sherbrooke. And now, for those who are passionate enough for hockey and the cause of cancer to support PROCURE, the Force Against Prostate Cancer, the Real Ice Challenge is on. Can you meet this challenge? (See the photos)
September 6, 2014 – Nuns’ Island golf course as hosted the first edition of the “already” famous golf tournament organized by Marc Lachapelle and Hugo Laramée, raising over $ 2,650. Thank you to all participants for participa ting in this unique golf tournament, and see you next year!
September 5-6, 2014 – For their third edition of the Tour du Lac, Les Femmes de Course have raised more than 41 750$ for prostate cancer and for the Havre du Lac St-Jean. Very big THANK YOU to the 60 women have taken up the challenge of running 260km and a special thank you to the organizers and volunteers of this unique event in the world.
August 6, 2014 – On Ile-Bizard, stood the first edition of The Pro-Celebrity golf event to the benefit PROCURE and SIMPLE PLAN foundation. Hosted by Multi Media Concepts with Joey Saputo as the honorary president, this unique event allowed fans to play golf with known personalities from business, sports, entertainment and politics. Thank you to all the participants to have raised over $ 21,500!
June 8, 2014 – In Victoriaville, Mr Dave Harris did raise $267.20 by cycling 50km around the Reservoir Beaudet. Thank you, Mr Harris for supporting the prostate cancer cause.
May 17, 2014 – In La Prairie, Mr. Sylvain Groulx and Pierre Bonneterre have organized a golf tournament named – TOURNOI DE GOLF ENTRE AMIS. Thank you very much for your support.
November 30, 2013 – In Terrebonne, as part of the campaign PROCURE’s challenges, a group of Terrebonne’s employees have raised a total of $1,007 and it was awarded to PROCURE. Thank you to all employees who participated in the challenge.
November 28, 2013 – In Montreal, stood the first edition of a Bow Tie Affair, in which 200 participants enjoyed themselves. Big thank you to the Antonopoulos Group, the event organizer, partners and sponsors.
Novembre 24, 2013 – Powerwatts Nord – a group instructors and cyclists, has raised more than $700 by holding an intense bike class on the PowerWatts bike system: An incomparable and exclusive experience available only at the studio in Boisbriand.
November 15, 2013 – In Gatineau, $1,200 were raised from the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign, specifically for PROCURE, to get Réjean Poitras, Director in the Innovation, Information and Technology Branch (IITB) of the Employment and Social Development Department, to part with his “hairy friend” on his last day at work. A very special day for Réjean: He was retiring after a brilliant career within IITB. To leave friends, colleagues, employees and supervisors on a humorous note, he agreed to have his famous moustache, which he had been proudly wearing since he was 18 years old, shaved off. Obviously, this was quite an event and it had to be done with all necessary ceremony.
November 9, 2013 – First edition of the Walk PROCURE for the St-Jean-sur-Richelieu. Special thanks to the organizing committee, their partners and sponsors.
November 7, 2013 – The Brasserie Rachel Rachel has held an event to bring awareness about prostate cancer. During the evening, they have raised over $1,950 for PROCURE. Thank you to Brasserie Rachel Rachel teams, and a special thank you to Cindy Simard and Stéphane Pilon
September 14-15, 2013 – Warm congratulations to Femmes de Course who ran the 251 km belt afrounf around the Lac Saint-Jean Their event was a real success as they raised an impressive amount of $17,715 for PROCURE.
May 15 to October 15, 2013 – In addition to discovering 80 golf courses in Quebec, the Celebrity Golf Tour mission is to raise prostate cancer awareness with the support of PROCURE and Jean Pagé, a spokesperson and personality well known in Québec in the field of Radio and television sports media. Each day on the grounds visited, players will receive relevant documentation on the subject in order to be better informed about the disease. Thanks to Luc Dupont-Hébert, President of Multi Concepts Media for his commitment to PROCURE and his extraordinary involvement in raising men’s awareness of prostate cancer.
July 6, 2013 – The 4th edition of the # OuiStampede, a western celebration full of country fun held every July in Montreal, raised $2780 in support of the fight against prostate cancer. We would like to thank Clare McWilliams and her husband Kerry for their initiatives and support for PROCURE.
June 6, 2013 – Many thanks to Dave Harris for his $526 fundraiser with Le tour de Victoriaville.
March 13 to 16, 2013 – Thanks to John Abbott College for its support during the ACSC in March 2013. From March 13th to March 16th, John Abbott College hosted the Men’s Basketball Championship – CCAA. We would like to thank John Abbott College for supporting PROCURE and the prostate cancer cause during this event.
Additional Information - Your prostate

How I coped with prostate cancer
A man with prostate cancer shares the challenges of his cancer experience.

Urologist’s advice: Treatments and information on prostate cancer
Learn more about the role of the urologist and the importance for a patient to gather adequate information after receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis.

Prostate cancer: Tests, imaging and biomarkers
Discussion about the variety of approaches available to monitor this disease before, during, or after treatment.

Is prostate cancer hereditary?
Understanding the hereditary and genetic aspects of this disease can provide valuable information to both individuals affected and their families.

Symptoms, risk and screening
Are you over 50 or experiencing urinary problems? Discover why early screening for prostate diseases is important.

Diagnosis and treatment
Recently diagnosed with cancer? Educate yourself to fully understand your situation.

The role of hormone therapy
Has your doctor recommended hormone therapy? This video is for you!

States of prostate cancer following treatment
Do your recent tests show an increase in PSA levels? It could indicate a recurrence.

External radiation or Brachytherapy?
Explore the benefits and considerations of each treatment option for prostate cancer to determine which might be right for you.

Q-A – New therapies for advance prostate cancer
In this interview, we answer patients’ questions about new therapies for advanced prostate cancer.

Genetic predisposition to prostate cancer
Although rare, some hereditary genetic mutations can increase your risk of prostate cancer.

All about hormone therapy
Hormone therapy can reduce tumor size, control cancer, and prolong life. Is it the right treatment for your cancer?

Active surveillance in 5 points
As surprising as it may seem, your doctor may prefer to wait before starting treatment.

States of prostate cancer post-treatment
Gentlemen, you’re being treated for prostate cancer, and your latest blood tests show an increase in PSA levels?

Your role as a patient
Have you been diagnosed with prostate cancer? Your role as a patient is essential throughout your journey.

Me a guinea pig?
Did you know that participating in a clinical trial advances medical science and improves the lot of patients for future generations?
Sources and references
Last medical and editorial review: April 2024. See our web page validation committee and our collaborators by clicking here.
On this page:
Discover our animated video!
Symptoms, risk and screening
Are you over 50 years old, or have you been having urinary problems for some time now? This video is for you! Several diseases can affect your prostate, and it’s important to detect them early. Let’s take a closer look.
What is the prostate
The prostate is a gland:
- Located between the bladder and the penis, just in front of the rectum;
- Formed of 2 lobes which surround the urethra, a canal that runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine and sperm flow out of the body;
- The size of a walnut, which grows larger in size in your forties;
- That has a soft, spongy texture to the touch like a small, ripe plum.
The prostate is made of:
- Gland cells that secrete liquids for ejaculation;
- Muscle cells that participate in the evacuation of your sperm during ejaculation;
- Fiber cells that maintain the structure of the gland.
Around the prostate, we find:
- The seminal vesicles, glands that produce sperm and that are located on either side of the prostate;
- The vas deferens, the tube that carries sperm from the testicle to the seminal vesicles;
- The nerve bundles that control your bladder and erectile function and that are located on either side of your prostate.
Three main zones of the prostate
Peripheral zone
- The peripheral zone is the largest area of the prostate. It can easily be felt by the doctor during a digital rectal exam (DRE).
- Most prostate cancers start in the peripheral zone.
Transition zone
- This is the area located in the middle of the prostate, between the peripheral and central areas. It surrounds your urethra that runs through the prostate.
- With age, the transitional area increases in size until it becomes the largest portion of your prostate. This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate.
Central zone
- It is the part of the prostate that is farthest from the rectum. This is why prostate tumors located in this area can not be felt by the doctor during a digital rectal examination.
- If the doctor is in doubt, the following information will help decide if additional investigation is necessary:
- Your PSA level
- Your age and family history
- Your ethnic origin
In short
Your fertility and natural fertilization
- It produces … a prostatic fluid rich in enzymes, proteins and minerals that nourishes and protects your spermatozoa.
- It makes … a protein (APS) that is used to liquefy your sperm to facilitate the mobility of your spermatozoa.
- It allows … ejaculation by contracting.
- It promotes … fertility through its enzymes facilitating the penetration of sperm through the cervix.
- It is not related to the mechanism of erection. Therefore, the origin of erectile dysfunction lies elsewhere.
Additional details
Exocrine Function
The prostate is made up of thousands of tiny fluid-producing glands. Specifically, the prostate is an exocrine gland. Exocrine glands are so-called because they secrete through ducts to the outside of the body (or into a cavity that communicates with the outside). Sweat glands are another example of an exocrine gland.
The fluid that the prostate gland produces forms part of semen, the fluid that carries sperm during orgasm. This fluid, produced in the prostate, is stored with sperm in the seminal vesicles. When the male climaxes, muscular contractions cause the prostate to secrete this fluid into the urethra, where it is expelled from the body through the penis.
Urine Flow
The prostate wraps itself around the urethra as it passes from the bladder to the penis. Prostatic changes can affect urine flow. Increasing the size of the prostate or muscle tone may impede the flow of urine due to the close anatomical relationship between the urethra and the prostate.
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
The prostate also produces a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is released with the ejaculatory fluid and can also be traced in the bloodstream. The testing of PSA levels in the blood is used to detect prostate cancer. The level of PSA in the blood is usually measured in nanograms of PSA per milliliter of blood (ng/mL).
A raised PSA level
Usually, a PSA rate of less than 4 nanograms per milliliter of blood is normal, but age should also be taken into consideration as PSA levels gradually increase with age. A rise in PSA concentration may indicate the presence of:
- An enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
- An inflammation or infection of the prostate (prostatitis)
- A prostate cancer
Your doctor will have you undergo other tests to determine the exact cause of the increase in your PSA.
We are here for you
You have questions or concerns? Don’t hesitate. Contact us at 1-855-899-2873 to discuss with one of our nurses specialized in uro-oncology. They are there to listen, support and answer your questions, and those of your family or your loved ones. It’s simple and free, like all of our other services.
Also take the time to visit each of our pages on this website, as well as our YouTube channel, in order to get familiar with the disease, our expert lectures, our section on available resources, the support that is offered to you, our events and ways to get involved to advance the cause..
Staying Informed
Pages that might interest you
Want to know more? Just click on one of the links below.
The latest PROCURE news that might interest you
Every week we publish a blog article. Here are some for you.
The medical content and editorial team at PROCURE
Our team is composed of urologists, and nurses certified in uro-oncology with a deep knowledge of prostate cancer and other diseases related to the genitourinary system. Meet our staff by clicking here.
Sources and references
- Prostate Cancer – Understand the disease and its treatments; Fred Saad, MD, FRCSC and Michael McCormack, MD, FRCSC, 4th et 5th editions
- Canadian Cancer Society
- Prostate Cancer
- National Cancer Institute-USA
- American Cancer Society
- Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
- Prostate Cancer UK
Last medical and editorial review: September 2023
Written by PROCURE. © All rights reserved