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I was told about leaks, not incontinence
It is not uncommon to have calls from patients asking us why they suffer from incontinence following radical surgery to treat their prostate cancer.

Points of view of 3 patients with prostate cancer
Here are the points of view of 3 patients with prostate cancer, to continue to demystify this still taboo disease.

I have 4 treatment options; confused, you say?
If being diagnosed with prostate cancer is a massive blow for men, the treatment options can quickly become a headache…

How I coped with prostate cancer
A man with prostate cancer shares the challenges of his cancer experience.

Urinary, sexual or intestinal problems
This webinar offers guidance on managing urinary, erectile, and intestinal functions after prostate cancer treatment.

Prostate cancer and nuclear medicine
What about nuclear medicine? Is it suitable for your situation?