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Investing in your health, a must… Martin’s story
Investing in your health, a must… The second part of Martin’s testimony “Living with a diagnosis of prostate cancer is demanding. Between the treatments, the multiple appointments, the roller coaster of emotions, fatigue, hot flashes and so on, I can easily understand that a person can be demotivated when the time comes to move or even […]
Alone against my diagnosis… Serge’s story
Alone against my diagnosis… Just like Martin, Serge learns that he has prostate cancer in the prime years of his life, that is to say at the beginning of his fifties (yes age… is relative). What you need to understand is that men who receive a prostate cancer diagnosis are usually much older, well in their sixties […]
Quite a shock… Martin’s story
Quite a shock… The first part of Martin’s story “We are in 2015, I am 50 years old, I am in great shape. I eat well – actually, my wife and I follow a very healthy diet – I train, do bodybuilding and jog on a regular basis. Even if I have been followed by a urologist […]
My reaction… Stéphane’s story
For me, the shock, or my reaction, was perhaps a little less than the others when I learned I had prostate cancer, my father having been diagnosed at the age of 55. Nevertheless, at 53 years old and being particularly fit, I had to concentrate strongly when driving across the island of Montreal after hearing […]
I was ready for anything except… Jean’s story
For some men, being diagnosed with prostate cancer is completely unsettling, but not necessarily a surprise when there is a significant history of cancer, especially prostate cancer, in the family. For these men, witnesses of a father, uncle, grandfather or brother struggling with this disease, screening is already required on an annual basis. Their questions – on […]
Case Stories: Robert
We have already shared the case stories of Réal, Jean-Michel and Louis, Franck and Paul (Jean François et Michel), Larry and Charles (Laurent et Charles), as well as those of Eric and William (Yvon et William). Here is Robert’s, extracted from the new book edition Prostate Cancer – Understand the disease and its treatments, 2019. “[…] Robert, […]