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Alternative medicine or treatment?
Alternative medicine has always caused a lot of ink to flow and has attracted more than one patient to its web. Alternative medicine or treatment is a debate, which one could almost call life or death when it comes to serious diseases such as cancer, HIV, etc. To understand, in alternative medicine there is no […]
Prostate cancer: facing your diagnosis
Being diagnosed with prostate cancer is a stressful event that often leads to feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and uncertainty about the future. Facing your diagnosis can provoke strong emotional reactions, such as fear, a feeling of loneliness and loss of control over your life. This is all normal! But… where to start? Once the dust […]
Biopsy: what do the numbers mean?
Have you recently had a prostate cancer test followed by a biopsy and with your report in hand, having trouble capturing the results? The article Biopsy: what do the numbers mean? is intended to help you understand the significance of the Gleason grades and score in the pathology report of your biopsy. What you need […]
From your prostate to screening in 5 points
From your prostate to screening in 5 points. Gentlemen, are you over 50 years old, or have you been having urinary problems for some time now? Several diseases can affect your prostate, and it’s important to detect them early. Let’s take a closer look. The size of a walnut, the prostate is located just below […]
Know your prostate cancer risk
You are 50 years old, you are in great shape, you are active and eat healthily. In other words, you take care of yourself and care about your health. So why is it important to know your prostate cancer risk? Most cancers are caused by many risk factors, but besides age, prostate cancer sometimes develops in men […]
I think it’s a urinary tract infection
Do you have urinary symptoms accompanied by pain or burning when you urinate? It could be a urinary tract infection. UTI is much rarer in men than in women. It has two major causes: a sexually transmitted disease or complications related to your prostate. Infection can happen when harmful bacteria lodges in your urinary tract. […]