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Learning to breathe is essential!

Breathing is a fundamental element of relaxation. Still, learning to breathe is a skill. If you have ever taken a deep breath in order to calm a panic attack, then you know the importance of the role that this function plays on your well-being. By becoming aware of your breathing, you can not only better know your mental and emotional states but also act on your stress and anxiety.

Relearning to breathe is within everyone’s reach. The techniques offered here are breathing techniques that you can easily use on a daily basis. By practicing them regularly, you can quickly appreciate the benefits.

First, focus on your breathing. Ask yourself these questions to better understand how you breathe:

  • Is your breathing fast or calm?
  • Is it deep or superficial?
  • Do you breathe through your stomach or your chest?

This last question is crucial because in general, it is better to breathe through your stomach and have a deep, calm breath. If not, these exercises could help you improve your breathing technique and feel less stressed before, during or after your prostate cancer treatments.

How to breathe through your stomach?

When seated, close your eyes, then place one hand on your stomach and another on your chest. This will give you a better sense of breathing movement during exercise. Thereafter:

  • exhale slowly through your mouth
  • inhale through the nose, swelling the belly and hold for 3 seconds
  • exhale slowly through your mouth (for 6 seconds)

Exercise quietly, five or six times, without forcing it. If you feel the need to take a deep breath, do so, then resume the quiet rhythm of a belly breathing. We do it 4 to 5 times a day, 3 to 4 minutes each time to train or in case of stress, fatigue, anxiety, need for concentration.

Make sure you breathe in and breathe the right way

To breathe is to absorb oxygen and to release carbon dioxide.

We breathe in through the nose. The small eyelashes in your nostrils can filter impurities from the air, thus preventing the absorption of bad particles. And passing through your nose, the air heats up, loses its aggressiveness, which limits the risk of bronchial spasms that cut your breathing.

We breathe out through the mouth. To empty your lungs, it is slowly and through the mouth that you must reject stale air. To help you slow down expiration, imagine that you are blowing air through a straw.

NB The time spent on expiration must be twice that spent on inspiration. The longer the expiration, the greater the relaxation.

The benefits of deep breathing

When you enter the relaxation phase, your teeth loosen, your shoulders relax, and your tensions gradually decrease. Letting your arms down help you become aware of their support points of support. You will also be aware of the support points of your back and feet.

Enjoy this pleasant feeling of calmness. Take a deep breath, then start moving your hands, feet and stretching … Then, when you want, open your eyes.

An exercise you can practice anywhere

The good news is that this exercise can be done anywhere, at any time of the day and in any posture: sitting, standing, eyes open or closed; the important thing is to focus on your breathing in order to get to breathe through your stomach. In the context of prostate cancer treatments, this is crucial to help you lower your stress levels and make you feel better about yourself.

Take the time to visit each of our pages on this website, as well as our YouTube channel, in order to get familiar with the disease with our expert lectures, our section on available resources, the support that is offered to you.

Do you have any questions or concerns? Above all, do not hesitate. Contact us at 1 855 899-2873 to discuss with a nurse specializing in uro-oncology. It’s simple and free, like all our services.

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Written by PROCURE. © All rights reserved – 2019

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