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My pharmacist… a precious ally!

But concretely, what is their role? What can you expect from your pharmacist? Your pharmacist is the health care professional who is most familiar with drugs, whether prescribed or over the counter.

His extensive training also covers illnesses, the symptoms they cause, their treatment and the signs that medical consultation is necessary. He also has excellent knowledge of natural health products. All his knowledge is at your service.

Your medication expert

He analyzes and executes your prescriptions
From reception to the delivery of your prescription, he makes sure to analyze it by asking himself several questions. Is the prescription appropriate for the condition to be treated? Is the dose adequate? Are there any potential drug interactions? Is the drug suitable for the other medical conditions presented?

He works closely with your doctor so that you get the most benefit from the treatment and that it is safe for you.

He manages the drugs
Whether they are in the form of a tablet, cream, syrup, patch or injection, he supervises the technical staff of the pharmacy in the preparation of the prescription according to established standards and procedures. His concern: the quality of the medication and the service provided.

Your pharmacist also has the role of collecting expired or unused medicines so that they are destroyed while respecting the environment.

He makes sure that you make good use of the medicines.
He provides you with the information necessary for you to make good use of the treatment. He answers your questions and gives you the necessary advice so that you understand your treatment well, and that you take it so as to maximize its effectiveness and safety.

He monitors therapy.
He checks that you are not having any side effects and that it is effective in treating the condition for which it was prescribed. For example, he can measure your blood pressure if you have high blood pressure.

He helps you make an informed choice
When you are thinking of taking an over-the-counter medication or natural health product to prevent or treat a health problem, talk to your pharmacist first. These products may have side effects, interact with your medicines, or be contraindicated for you. Your pharmacist is the best healthcare professional to help you make an informed choice.

Your health advisor

He is a front line worker
Thanks to his proximity to the public and his skills, he is directly accessible to answer your questions or to redirect you to the right resource. He will also be able to advise you on lifestyle habits and disease prevention. He understands that it is not always easy to adopt new habits, that is why he is available to assist you in your efforts.

Your pharmacist and confidentiality

Your personal information is important
For example, he takes the time to meet you in his consultation office or in the confidentiality area to ensure that your conversation is not heard by other customers. he also asks for your consent before discussing or transmitting information about you to a third party (family member, insurer, other professional, etc.). Finally, all documents with confidential information are shredded thoroughly.

So do not hesitate to make your pharmacist a precious ally!

Take the time to visit each of our pages on this website, as well as our YouTube channel, in order to get familiar with the disease with our expert lectures, our section on available resources, the support that is offered to you.

Do you have any questions or concerns? Above all, do not hesitate. Contact us at 1 855 899-2873 to discuss with a nurse specializing in uro-oncology. It’s simple and free, like all our services.

Conference may interest you (in French only)

Pages of our site that might interest you
Want to know more? Just click on one of the links below
Alternative Medicine and Natural Health Products

PROCURE news that may interest you
Each week, we publish a blog article. Here are a few for you.
Meat, cooking and BBQ: what you need to know
5 facts to know about prostatitis
5 facts to know about large prostate (BPH)

Sources and references
Proxim and Brunet 

Adapted by PROCURE. © All rights reserved – 2019

Additional information - Role of the prostate

Inquiet de vos symptômes? Quand consulter! – EN SAVOIR PLUS…
6 conseils pour faire face à incontinence urinaire – EN SAVOIR PLUS…
5 faits à savoir sur la prostatite – EN SAVOIR PLUS…

Additional information - Role of the prostate


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

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Cancer and Nutrition with Dr. Isabelle Huot

This conference provides concrete examples of recommended foods and products for patients.

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Radical surgery with Kevin Zorn

Learn about robotic radical surgery for prostate cancer and whether it is an option for you.  

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Advanced prostate cancer treatment strategies

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Sources et références
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