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Surgical techniques

Surgical techniques

Surgical techniques

Illustration chirurgie
Illustration chirurgie
Illustration chirurgie

Techniques to surgically remove the prostate include open surgery, hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery and robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery.

Open surgery

Traditionally, surgeons perform open radical prostatectomies through an incision in the lower abdomen (hence the term “open surgery”). This surgery allows for the removal of your pelvic lymph nodes before your prostate is removed.

Experienced surgeons are able to identify your erectile nerves and separate them from either side of your prostate in order to spare them from damage during the operation.

  • This nerve-sparing technique reduces the risk of sexual dysfunction by 50%.
  • It can be employed if the size and location of the tumour allow for it: if your tumour is too large or aggressive, the surgeon will not be able to save your nerves.

Advantages of this technique

This operation is available in most hospital centres in Quebec and across Canada.

Disadvantages of this technique

This nerve-sparing technique is not used by all surgeons since it is more complicated and delicate than the traditional method. You should speak to your doctor about the procedure to be used.

Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery

Instead of a single incision, five or six small ones (about one centimetre in length) are made in the lower abdomen. Long, slim surgical instruments are inserted through these incisions to guide the operation.

  • A telescopic instrument called a laparoscope is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision at the belly button.
  • A camera attached to the laparoscope allows surgeons to see inside the abdomen and perform the surgery without having to make a large incision.

Advantages of this techniqueWhile this technique generally shortens recovery time, it is not proven to be any more effective than open surgery performed by an experienced surgeon.

  • Your hospital stay will be shorter, usually one or two nights compared to 2-4 nights with traditional surgery.
  • Recovery is generally faster and less painful.
  • This technique causes less blood loss.

Disadvantages of this technique

This technique runs the same risks for incontinence and erectile problems as open surgery.

Laparoscopic prostatectomies have not gained widespread acceptance because they are technically difficult to perform even in the hands of skilled laparoscopic surgeons. Specialized training and equipment are required.

Robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery

In recent years, robotic surgery has developed and become increasingly popular. As the learning curve is faster for robotic surgery than for laparoscopy, this type of surgery is more and more widely used by urological surgeons.

  • The movements of robotic instruments are intuitive.
  • The surgeon has a 3D‑view of the prostate.
  • In addition, robotic instruments have articulated tips which mimic human wrist movements.

Advantages of this technique

While this technique generally shortens recovery time, it has not been proven to be any more effective than hand-assisted laparoscopies or open surgeries performed by an experienced surgeon.

  • Your hospital stay will be shorter, usually one or two nights compared to 2-4 nights with traditional surgery.
  • Recovery is generally faster and less painful.
  • This technique causes less blood loss.

Disadvantages of this technique

  • Unfortunately, patients still run the same risk for incontinence and erectile problems as in open surgery.
  • There are also economic considerations with robotic surgery—specialized training and equipment are required—and only centres with a high volume of cases can offer this technique.

What is the best technique?

We know that you are faced with a choice between several surgical techniques. Which one is the best? We’re not in a position to say yet. The most important factors are the skill and experience of the surgeon rather than the method used. Therefore, we suggest you talk to your surgeon about his or her experience with the different techniques available. We will discuss this subject a little further on in this page.

Nerve-sparing surgery

Surrounding the prostate are bundles of nerves responsible for erections. When the surgeon removes your prostate, he will try to save these nerves. This is known as “nerve-sparing” surgery.

Whether or not the nerves can be spared depends on how close the cancer is to the nerves. It is difficult for the surgeon to know before surgery if the nerves can be spared. The decision to spare nerves is made once the prostate and the tumour can be seen during surgery.

Success rate

Nerve-sparing surgery is more successful with early stage prostate cancer and for younger, sexually active men.

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Symptoms, risk and screening
Are you over 50 years old, or have you been having urinary problems for some time now? This video is for you! Several diseases can affect your prostate, and it’s important to detect them early. Let’s take a closer look. 



What is the prostate

Illustration de l’appareil de l’homme pour un cancer prostate

The prostate is a gland:

  • Located between the bladder and the penis, just in front of the rectum;
  • Formed of 2 lobes which surround the urethra, a canal that runs through the center of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine and sperm flow out of the body;
  • The size of a walnut, which grows larger in size in your forties;
  • That has a soft, spongy texture to the touch like a small, ripe plum.

The prostate is made of:

  • Gland cells that secrete liquids for ejaculation;
  • Muscle cells that participate in the evacuation of your sperm during ejaculation;
  • Fiber cells that maintain the structure of the gland.

Around the prostate, we find:

  • The seminal vesicles, glands that produce sperm and that are located on either side of the prostate;
  • The vas deferens, the tube that carries sperm from the testicle to the seminal vesicles;
  • The nerve bundles that control your bladder and erectile function and that are located on either side of your prostate.


Three main zones of the prostate

Illustration des 3 zones de la prostate de l’homme cancer prostate

Peripheral zone

  • The peripheral zone is the largest area of the prostate. It can easily be felt by the doctor during a digital rectal exam (DRE).
  • Most prostate cancers start in the peripheral zone.

Transition zone

  • This is the area located in the middle of the prostate, between the peripheral and central areas. It surrounds your urethra that runs through the prostate.
  • With age, the transitional area increases in size until it becomes the largest portion of your prostate. This is called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate.

Central zone

  • It is the part of the prostate that is farthest from the rectum. This is why prostate tumors located in this area can not be felt by the doctor during a digital rectal examination.
  • If the doctor is in doubt, the following information will help decide if additional investigation is necessary:
    • Your PSA level
    • Your age and family history
    • Your ethnic origin


In short

Illustration d’une prostate saine cancer prostate

Your fertility and natural fertilization

  • It produces … a prostatic fluid rich in enzymes, proteins and minerals that nourishes and protects your spermatozoa.
  • It makes … a protein (APS) that is used to liquefy your sperm to facilitate the mobility of your spermatozoa.
  • It allows … ejaculation by contracting.
  • It promotes … fertility through its enzymes facilitating the penetration of sperm through the cervix.
  • It is not related to the mechanism of erection. Therefore, the origin of erectile dysfunction lies elsewhere.

Additional details

Exocrine Function

The prostate is made up of thousands of tiny fluid-producing glands. Specifically, the prostate is an exocrine gland. Exocrine glands are so-called because they secrete through ducts to the outside of the body (or into a cavity that communicates with the outside). Sweat glands are another example of an exocrine gland.

The fluid that the prostate gland produces forms part of semen, the fluid that carries sperm during orgasm. This fluid, produced in the prostate, is stored with sperm in the seminal vesicles. When the male climaxes, muscular contractions cause the prostate to secrete this fluid into the urethra, where it is expelled from the body through the penis.

Urine Flow

The prostate wraps itself around the urethra as it passes from the bladder to the penis. Prostatic changes can affect urine flow. Increasing the size of the prostate or muscle tone may impede the flow of urine due to the close anatomical relationship between the urethra and the prostate.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

The prostate also produces a protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is released with the ejaculatory fluid and can also be traced in the bloodstream. The testing of PSA levels in the blood is used to detect prostate cancer. The level of PSA in the blood is usually measured in nanograms of PSA per milliliter of blood (ng/mL).

A raised PSA level

Usually, a PSA rate of less than 4 nanograms per milliliter of blood is normal, but age should also be taken into consideration as PSA levels gradually increase with age. A rise in PSA concentration may indicate the presence of:

  • An enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
  • An inflammation or infection of the prostate (prostatitis)
  • A prostate cancer

Your doctor will have you undergo other tests to determine the exact cause of the increase in your PSA.

We are here for you

You have questions or concerns? Don’t hesitate. Contact us at 1-855-899-2873 to discuss with one of our nurses specialized in uro-oncology. They are there to listen, support and answer your questions, and those of your family or your loved ones. It’s simple and free, like all of our other services.

Also take the time to visit each of our pages on this website, as well as our YouTube channel, in order to get familiar with the disease, our expert lectures, our section on available resources, the support that is offered to you, our events and ways to get involved to advance the cause..


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Sources and references

Last medical and editorial review: September 2023
Written by PROCURE. © All rights reserved

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