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Your prognosis and survival

After receiving a diagnosis of prostate cancer, you will undoubtedly have questions about your prognosis and survival and will want to know the chances of success with your treatment.

Be aware that it is entirely natural to imagine the worst and worry about the effect the cancer will have on your own life and that of your loved ones. Unfortunately, no one can tell you precisely what your outlook will be, as several factors come into play. However, the following points may address some of your concerns.

The prognosis for prostate cancer is generally favorable
A prognosis is a hypothesis made by a doctor about the likely outcome of a disease following a diagnosis. It can be expressed in terms of survival, cure rates, disease progression, or quality of life. For example, the 5-year survival rate for prostate cancer is very high, reaching 100% when the disease is detected early, confined to the prostate, and treated promptly. On the contrary, it is 30% when the disease has spread outside the prostate and has metastasized.

The prognosis depends on many factors
Indeed, the prognosis and survival depend on many factors, including the extent of the disease and aggressiveness of the tumor, as well as age, cancer stage, presence of metastases, response to treatment, and overall health of the patient. It’s important to note that prognosis is not an absolute prediction and can vary from individual to individual. Therefore, doctors work with each patient to develop a treatment plan tailored to their unique situation.

Can the prognosis and survival be accurately predicted following a diagnosis?
Nomograms are often used to help doctors make decisions about the most appropriate treatment for each patient. They are prediction tools used to estimate the progression and survival rate of localized or advanced prostate cancer. They take into account several factors such as age, disease stage, PSA level, Gleason score, and other clinical and biological parameters.

Although based on statistics, prediction tools are only estimates
Nomograms are continuously improved through research data and advances in imaging technologies and treatments. However, it’s important to remember that forecasts based on these tools are only estimates, and each case being unique, means that individual results can vary significantly.

Advances in research improve the prognosis and survival of patients
Indeed, thanks to advances in research, new targeted therapeutic strategies, improved detection methods, and a better understanding of the disease mechanisms, the prognosis and survival of patients, especially those with advanced prostate cancer, continue to improve.

Tricky Questions
That being said, the two tricky questions for specialists remain the same:

“Doctor, am I going to die? “
“Doctor, how many years do I have left? “

For localized cancers, the survival rate is excellent. For advanced cancers, the answer is that it varies from case to case:

  • Some patients respond very well to their treatments, while others less so.
  • 30% of patients will have a survival beyond 5 years, even more.
  • Although the question is legitimate, specialists cannot provide an immediate answer.

In summary, your survival factors will depend on:

  • Your health history
  • The type and stage of your cancer
  • Certain characteristics of your cancer
  • The treatments chosen
  • Your cancer’s response to treatment

The good news is that the overall prognosis for prostate cancer is among the best of all cancers, and advances in treatments are very encouraging.

Take the time to visit each of our pages on this website, as well as our YouTube channel, in order to get familiar with the disease, our expert lectures and webinars, our section on available resources, the support that is offered to you, our events and ways to get involved in advancing the cause.

You have questions or concerns? Don’t hesitate. You can chat with us or contact us at 1-855-899-2873 to discuss with one of our nurses specialized in uro-oncology. They are there to listen, support and answer your questions, as well as those of your family or loved ones. It’s simple and free, like all of our other services.

Webinar to review
Prostate Cancer: Your test preparation, procedures and results
Biopsy, understand your report

Pages of our site that might interest you
Want to know more? Just click on the link below.
Coping with prostate cancer

PROCURE blog articles that might interest you
Every week we publish a blog article. Here are some for you.
States of prostate cancer post-treatment
If I had been given the choice
Why am I not receiving any treatment?

Written by PROCURE. © All rights reserved – 2023

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